UBETracker Posted June 10, 2004 Posted June 10, 2004 Another spammer is using too many links to avoid having the real ones reported by Spamcop. Example email... Return-Path: <[x][at]address]> Wed, 9 Jun 2004 22:46:24 Received: from host046155.arnet.net.ar [] by [domain.name] with SMTP; Wed, 9 Jun 2004 22:46:24 -0700 X-Message-Info: [x] Received: from by ip-1-745-735-985.xk.[email[at]address] (AppleMailServer id [x] via NDR; Thu, 10 Jun 2004 02:46:33 -0400 Reply-To: "Rene Aguilar" <[email[at]address]> From: "Rene Aguilar" <[email[at]address]> To: [x] <[email[at]address]> Subject: Super-discounts on Phentermine and Soma Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 09:45:33 +0300 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="--877[x]" ----877[x] Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-1093-5" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit Content-Description: denudation madras1726.ouzo <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>minus jon fine blat ague yacht bicarbonate bottommost lodestone acquittal bode reckon blockade autocorrelate powdery serviceberry rouse brainwash</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY vLink=#990000 aLink=#990000 link=#990000 bgColor=#ffffff> <DIV><BR></DIV> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 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turetzsr Posted June 10, 2004 Posted June 10, 2004 Hi, UBETracker, ...Are you asking for help or just reporting something you would like someone at SpamCop to consider?
AlphaCentauri Posted June 10, 2004 Posted June 10, 2004 For a while, SpamCop was dealing with this by ignoring all links, which let the spammers off the hook, but at least didn't report innocent parties. Then it went through some type of upgrade and was doing a really great job at identifying the real link and ignoring the ones that had no highlighted text associated with them, eg. <a href="http://www.hulahoop.com"></a> But now it is back to looking at the first few links, ignoring the last ones, and reporting the ones it looks at even if they are made up. Since the made up links are occasionally real sites, innocent parties get reported. Whatever SpamCop was doing until recently was great. This way we have to filter for these links ourselves or be extra alert that fake links aren't getting reports.
Wazoo Posted June 10, 2004 Posted June 10, 2004 Bottom line .... I just bumped Ellen's request (for Julian's efforts) back up to the top of the Announcements Forum. Please read and follow-up on the data seen at http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1549
AlphaCentauri Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Thanks, that's good to know. One question: Instead of pasting the spam into a separate email, can we just paste the address deputy_samples[at]spamcop.net in the "Re: User Notification" blank at the end of the list of where the spam will be reported?
Wazoo Posted June 13, 2004 Posted June 13, 2004 Thanks, that's good to know. One question: Instead of pasting the spam into a separate email, can we just paste the address deputy_samples[at]spamcop.net in the "Re: User Notification" blank at the end of the list of where the spam will be reported? I'm not going to say no ... However, putting myself in the shoes of one of the Deputies ... with all the e-mail they get, upon seeing one that appears to be a spam complaint/report (and noting that I don't believe you can insert any kind of a note using this method) .. the first reaction my be to run right over and knock some spam reporter around a bit to straighten things out ... maybe things would be cleared up after a couple more e-mails, but .... why take the chance of ticking off one of the Deputies? Perhaps might also note that Julian ptobably dips into that InBox directly to snag some samples ... and I'm not sure there'd be a second chance if he saw a spam report setting in there ... Again, I'm not a part of the paid staff, this is just my opinion ...
AlphaCentauri Posted June 15, 2004 Posted June 15, 2004 It's WORSE! Before, when you went to confirm these spams, there would be a long list of URL's discarded because of too many links. Then there would be a list of reports that would say something like "Re: http://www.potatoes.org" and you could see it was a fake link and remove the check marks. But now it is linking the URL's to nameservers, and we get something like "Re: (nameserver for spamvertised link)" and we have to go back to the details and see which IP number went with the nameserver for which URL. Lots of room for reporting innocent bystanders.
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