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new look!


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I'm not sure if this should be here or somewhere else, but here's a few things on the new look (at least in Firefox):

Select Style - We have no submit button!

Textarea (for submitting spam) doesn't fit inside of the default table. Kinda looks off, might want to make that fit.

Everything else looks great!

Nice to see the webpage getting an overhaul, after how long ? :P

good job!

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Select Style  - We have no submit button!

Assuming you mean the "Site Style" drop-down... with Mozilla (1.7), the change was instant. There's no need for a Submit button.

Textarea (for submitting spam) doesn't fit inside of the default table. Kinda looks off, might want to make that fit.

I don't see that - or I don't understand what you're seeing.

Everything else looks great!

I agree. I like the new look.

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I'm not sure if this should be here or somewhere else, <snip>

...Probably not ... Lounge (Wazoo)?

but here's a few things on the new look (at least in Firefox):


Everything else looks great!

Nice to see the webpage getting an overhaul, after how long ? :P

good job!

...In Internet Explorer 6, it looks very nice. It was kind of a shock, though! :) <g>

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Assuming you mean the "Site Style" drop-down...  with Mozilla (1.7), the change was instant.  There's no need for a Submit button.

Interestingly the style drop down list does not seem to work for me using Mozilla 1.7 :o

Seem to work fine with IE6 though.


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