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all spam marked as "isp has resolved the problem"


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I have a persistent spammer who is using smtp.dk ( or mysmtp.eu) as sender, all landing pages are on digitalocean.com servers according spamcop reports.

But lately all these spams have been marked as  already resolved even if I report them within minutes after receiving. All these spams are scams in finnish language ( what amazes me is that they are in good finnish which is hard to learn).  There are usually 5 similar spams ( no visible variations) and some with small variations.

When isp marks the spam as resolved does it elude all bookkeeping so it does not get blacklisted ?

I even tried contacting support@smtp.dk but that address seems to be blackhole :-(



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spam continues still even tough it has been marked as resolved.



My opinion is that smtp.dk is spammer for hire, totally blackhat. Digitalocean.com has landing page, in every spam. The messages are quite similar,

That is their modus operandi, the has been no changes since the spam started (for me), more than 2 months ago, every day more than 10 spams.

They do not care EU ligislation ( opt-in is only option everything else is illegal)

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You can see additional information on the IP here: https://www.talosintelligence.com/reputation_center/lookup?search=

You can get there clicking on the <Statistics> tab on the spamcop.net website.

Looking at the link above, you are correct this IP is not currently on any blocklist.  I see that they have changed IP to which currently has a neutral reputation.

The only thing I can suggest is to continue to report the spam, the reality of there business module will become obvious to the most blind.


Again my apologies for my earlier confusion.

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15 hours ago, ismox said:

spam continues still even tough it has been marked as resolved.


Sometime abuse desks employ morons, in report history there are 100's of reports that have been made last report made. looks like this is the one DK responded to, possibly by emailing the bot controller who is claiming it's fixed.  cert for DK is 

contact ( at ) govcert ( dot ) dk

Submitted: 1/14/2018, 6:53:02 PM +1100: 
Bet on $776 million Graham 


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