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It possible to send the reports all at once?


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Since I submit spam through MailWasher and have manually verified each one as spam before doing so, is it possible to send the reports all at once, rather than having to report the "Unreported spam Saved" again one at a time?

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Hi, corvette6769!

...That isn't the only thing you need to check. Just as important is to check to see that you are not reporting your own ISP or e-mail provider! Sometimes the SpamCop parser does this, even if you have set up the Mailhosts configuration which is meant (among other things) to avoid that (it just happened to me a couple of days ago).

...Having said that, SpamCop does have a "quick reporting" feature. For more information, please have a look at Jeff G.'s Guide to SpamCop Quick Reporting. For a tip on other strategies, please see My reply in thread "Using Scripts, Can they be used in new log in".

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Just as important is to check to see that you are not reporting your own ISP or e-mail provider!  Sometimes the SpamCop parser does this, even if you have set up the Mailhosts configuration which is meant (among other things) to avoid that (it just happened to me a couple of days ago).


Did you report that in the Mailhosts forum? It lends support to my contention that the system isn't quite "ready for prime time."


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Did you report that in the Mailhosts forum? It lends support to my contention that the system isn't quite "ready for prime time."



Hi, David!

...Nope, I didn't. But neither have I seen anyone claim that it's "ready for prime time." My suspicion is that it will never be so (at least not in what I take to be your definition: do it once, it works perfectly and it never needs to be re-done) because it's an attempt to automate decision making that is so complex it can not be completed automated. Therefore, IMHO, it will always be necessary for capabilities such as "appeals for a waiver" and for us users to continue to be prudent in our reporting. And, IMHO, I don't believe that to be an unreasonable expectation.

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...Nope, I didn't. But neither have I seen anyone claim that it's "ready for prime time."

Well, people have taken issue with my putting it that way, so by asserting the opposite of my statement, that's a de facto claim that it is.

My suspicion is that it will never be so (at least not in what I take to be your definition: do it once, it works perfectly and it never needs to be re-done)

That's not my definition....let me clarify a bit. When I've written that, I mean that there are some things about the Mailhosts procedure that are not yet well documented. There are also some odd things that could be cleaned up, such as the unsorted, incomplete mailhost lists associated with any given mail source. If those things were addressed, I'd no longer refer to it that way.


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