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News: Microsoft Challenges Spam Web Hosting


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The referenced article sure is light on details, references, etc .... For example, exactly what "law" is being violated that corresponds with "accusing the company of actively working to recruit spammers to use its services" ...???? Did a quick Google or two, but surprisingly, I couldn't come up with a match for the "filing last week" ... Too many other things going on right now, but .... that reporter / editor could sure stand to do with some re-training on the five "W's" of reporting, that's for sure ...

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OK, another report shows up, though still lacking a bit of the specific details .... http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?storyID=6320250

And, yesterday was looking for the "Cheap Bulletproof Hosting" .. but today's search was on "National OnLine Sales" ... Google news search link here ... http://news.google.com/news?q=%22National+..._qdr=all&tab=nn

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