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Spamcop mirror help


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I don't know if this the correct place to post this, but it was the best I could find.

I am an admin for an ISP which has had a public spamcop mirror set up for some time now. A spamcop person SSH'd in and did a bunch of setup and things in it a while back, and another admin at my site also did some work on it, and we think its setup is supposed to be complete. Our traffic stats for it are lower than expected, however, and I'm not sure its working, or perhaps it's working but isn't being used by anyone. I tried emailing for help last week to the person who set it up, but have not gotten a response as of yet. Who could I talk to or email about seeing what's really going on with our mirror? The DNS for our mirror is bl2.sbbsnet.net or spamcopbl.sbbsnet.net.



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Grabbed some of your data and comments, kicked an e-mail out myself to one of the staff.  You should be hearing from "Don" or whoever he kicks the "issue" to ....


Great, thanks! They can email me directly if they want: bahdko (at) erols.com .


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