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Semi-auto forward fails?


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I have a semi-auto SMTP forwarder set-upt o forward spam to my submit address.

The SMTP server Sendmail has a forward set-up for a few honeypot addresses.

However spamcop always bounces them back saying

"SpamCop could not find your spam message in this email:"

However, if I paste the email into the website submission form it does Parse?

Any ideas..



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The easy answer is that your semi-automatic thing is forwarding the e-mail to SpamCop in a form that isn't usable. Looking at the boatloads of discussions, a number oif FAQs, etc. one can point to Outlook Express for instance .... a plain Forward does not fly, Forwarding as Attachment works great.

Bottom line is how the e-mail is "packaged" in the Forward ... try sending a copy of this Forward to another of your addesses and take a look at what's actually going out. Then see what you need to do to make it different, so it is acceptable to the SpamCop parsing engine.

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Thanks Waz,

That is the problem... I was forwarding at the server level, redirecting.

The spam was not getting as far as my client as I was getting sendmail to forward on the mail on to the submit address and as the processign system is looking for headers within the email body...

Ho hum, so much for automation.



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I just tossed out OE as an example of the various modes and models of "Forwarding" ... I had thought about throwing more words in there, like redirecting <g> ... but didn't want to get too involved if it was going to be an easy thing. But the rest of the suggestion .. try it to see what the "package" does look like. This will let you see where and what has to change. There are a number of folks that do this already, but I can't tell you if it's a flag setting that needs toggled or if it's a scri_pt line or two. To get those kinds of answers, one would have to ask for some other specific details on what you're running all this stuff on, ehat version levels, your intimacy with codes and processes, things like that ....

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