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Cunning way to bypass SC?

Cry Havok

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Tracking URL: http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z695160991z94...184e57257fe055z

The spammers have now resorted to saying "copy and paste this url", and providing a URL without the http:// at the start. The first one I got I could "fix" as it was plain text. Later ones have been base64 however :(

Is there any way to solve this in SC? Yeah, I know it's going to be, to put it mildly, non trivial...

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At least this trick will not stop the sending IP going onto the block list which is the first priority in reporting the spam.

Alerting the host of a website is not, in my experience, very effective. Most spammers seem to locate their websites on spam-friendly providers and reports of spamvertised sites don't seem to achieve very much other than alert innocent bystanders who are being joe-jobbed.


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