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New Identity

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I just created a new identity for sending webmail, one that does not reveal my name -- which my basic SpamCop account currently does.

Does the address for the new identity become "newidentity"[at]spamcop.net (which is what I put in the form)? And will anything sent to that address show up in my original/default identity INBOX?

Or do I have to create a whole new account with a new name to get anonymity?



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I believe you would need to create a new account as those identities are only defining accounts you already have. If you just made up a name<at>spamcop.net address, it could already be owned by someone else. For a definitive answer, you would need to email support<at>spamcop.net, however.

You can use Plused addressing with the spamcop system (username+somethinelse<at>spamcop.net), but that does not hide your real username.

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I believe you would need to create a new account as those identities are only defining accounts you already have.  If you just made up a name<at>spamcop.net address, it could already be owned by someone else.

Thanks. That's what I suspected.

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