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mail routed thru Apple / iCloud no longer parses correctly


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Sometime in the past week Apple / iCloud made a significant, probably permanent, change to the format of the headers generated by their mailservers. Consequently, messages no longer parse correctly. Here's an example:


Can anything be done to remedy this problem?

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Hey Esther,

No immediate solutions (from me) but a couple of questions to try to troubleshoot/help:

  • Do you have a SC URL from before, i.e. when 🍎/iCloud spam did parse successfully?

If yes please post back.

  • Do you have MailHosts configured?

If yes, were they configured before or after the 🍎/iCloud change?

I don't use any  🍎products, so this may appear a dumb question, but, are there any forums where 🍎 users are discussing the 🍎/iCloud change?

Could you PM me a spam email raw source data, i.e, data has not been parsed,  please?

(PM rather than posting here just to keep the Forum tidy😊 )

Just a note for PM/raw source data, unfortunately text files can't be uploaded [insert other media] option, Messenger only accepts images😐


Specific to the URL you posted:


Using VirusTotal, the embedded links resolve to:

https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/eb4e808099dbb174ad1bd8b75503ade1757dadf6bc63a15be8625b71bfd1cc21/details AS 19994 (Rackspace Hosting)


https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/0efed899e2c44d6bc8f624d822587033029b6badd5ceabb5c1d28f76fa939c22/detection AS 14618 (Amazon.com, Inc.)

Not suggesting you go thru the laborious process of disassembling each scummy spam email but just as information for this particular spam😊

Thanks & cheers!




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13 hours ago, MIG said:

No immediate solutions (from me) but a couple of questions to try to troubleshoot/help:

  • Do you have a SC URL from before, i.e. when 🍎/iCloud spam did parse successfully? 

Yes. I've been successfully submitting spam from that email acct for years. Until this week. Here's a recent example of a good parse:


13 hours ago, MIG said:
  • Do you have MailHosts configured? 

If yes, were they configured before or after the 🍎/iCloud change? 

Yes. Have several mailhosts configured. All were configured several years ago. Only receiving spam on the Apple acct currently, so it's the ONLY one that's been exercised recently.

Thought about deleting / reconfiguring the Apple mailhost entry, but decided against, because that particular mailhost entry had to be "hand-crafted" by SpamCop in order to work correctly.

Know we're NOT supposed to alter the email in any way, but I decided to try deleting the wacko headers and resubmitting. Msg parses and reports seem reasonable:


Don't get many spams on that Apple acct. Only a couple a week. So maybe I'll just clean 'em a bit up before I submit 'em.

Oh, and FWIW... The transition, if there is one, is apparently not complete. I have several other Apple / iCloud email accts. Msgs received on those accts do NOT have those wacko headers (yet). Alternatively, it may be because the acct with the odd headers is really old -- a user@mac.com acct.

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Hey Esther,


Re: MailHosts: wise move not to change. 

Re: really old -- a user@mac.com acct - is it possible 🍎/iCloud are changing something about those accounts (for all users) rather than "format of headers generated by their mailservers" ?

Re: not modifying spam: deleting wacko headers, imo it's better to present something to SCParser that it understands & generates a result rather than not. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

The following describes a work-around for this problem. I have used this work-around successfully on a dozen or so spams in the last couple of weeks.

If the headers of your message look like this:


Return-path: <20190412000116f1682b64baaa49869433642b1800p0na-C3CRFRL7C3K9W9@bounces.amazon.com>
Original-recipient: rfc822;somebody@mac.com
Received: from pv35p18im-ztdg05100301 by mr91p58ic-ztfb07091201 (mailgateway 1906B51)
    with SMTP id e384028e-b221-45a5-bf13-3e7067afacb5
    for <somebody@mac.com>; Fri, 12 Apr 2019 00:01:20 GMT
Received: from by (mailnotify 1906B26:21:10:00:01:20:8B)
X-Apple-MoveToFolder: INBOX (31) uid 60280 user somebody modseq 0
X-Apple-UUID: e384028e-b221-45a5-bf13-3e7067afacb5
Received: from a15-18.smtp-out.amazonses.com (a15-18.smtp-out.amazonses.com [])
    by st11p00im-smtpin033.me.com (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 81517580040
    for <somebody@mac.com>; Fri, 12 Apr 2019 00:01:17 +0000 (UTC)

Then MODIFY the headers BEFORE you submit the spam, by DELETING the FIRST TWO "Received from" header lines, so the headers like this:


Return-path: <20190412000116f1682b64baaa49869433642b1800p0na-C3CRFRL7C3K9W9@bounces.amazon.com>
Original-recipient: rfc822;somebody@mac.com
X-Apple-MoveToFolder: INBOX (31) uid 60280 user somebody modseq 0
X-Apple-UUID: e384028e-b221-45a5-bf13-3e7067afacb5
Received: from a15-18.smtp-out.amazonses.com (a15-18.smtp-out.amazonses.com [])
    by st11p00im-smtpin033.me.com (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 81517580040
    for <somebody@mac.com>; Fri, 12 Apr 2019 00:01:17 +0000 (UTC)

FWIW, this problem seems ONLY to affect the headers on my user@mac.com emails. My user@me.com emails still have headers that can be parsed correctly w/o ANY modifications.


-- EstherD

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2 hours ago, spamuout said:

 Now Since my Mac account and Me account is same maybe I need to check mail on the Me Account.

No, that won't help.

You must have been an early adopter of Apple mail. Therefore, like me, you have an old user@mac.com acct. Because of the way Apple has transitioned those old accts over the years, an old user@mac.com acct can also receive email for user@me.com and user@icloud.com.

However, not everyone using Apple mail has an old user@mac.com acct. Those who joined later got an acct that only receives mail for user@me.com and user@icloud.com. And those who joined later still got an acct that only receives mail for user@icloud.com. None of those more-recently registered accts can receive mail for user@mac.com.

It's the fact that you have an old user@mac.com acct that seems to be causing the problem, not how you are accessing your acct. The funny new headers seem to appear only for users who have one of those old user@mac.com accts. And it doesn't matter which of the three valid forms of AppleID you use to access the msgs. You will still get the weird new headers.

However, if you had one of the newer accts that only receive email for user@me.com or user@icloud.com, and cannot receive email for user@mac.com, then you would not have this problem.

At least, that's how it appears to me. I have both types of accts: an old some_name@mac.com acct and a separate, newer another_name@me.com acct, which cannot receive email for another_name@mac.com. The weird new headers appear only on my old some_name@mac.com acct. They do not appear on my newer another_name@me.com acct. At least, not yet. ;)

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