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Gateway Timeout


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Does anyone know if they are still working on the upgrade? Some of the spam I reported this morning went through but there are about 4 or 5 left to report and I keep getting

"Gateway Timeout

The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server."

When this has happened in the past, it seems that if I choose "Remove All Unreported spam", something gets unhooked and it starts working again, but then I lose my bytes. I've already tried deleting the cookie and logging in again but that didn't do the trick.

If it is an issue with the upgrade, I will just be patient. If I have to remove the spam, then I guess that is what I have to do.

Just wondering.

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A bit difficult to answer (for me) ... All I can tell you about the maintenance acticity is what I've posted in the Announcements section ... and that all references "moving harware" as compared to your "upgrade" query.

"Gateway timeout" covers a lot of ground. Some of these were based on issues some folks were/are having with the Akamai servers at various spots around the world. Some of these based on the spam itself, dealing with the timeout issues involved with dodgey DNS servers for instance. Some found that using a different browser had different results. I believe that doing a search here using that description will pull up a number of these other discussions.

something gets unhooked and it starts working again, but then I lose my bytes

suggests a report-only account using fuel ... have you looked at going the flat-rate e-mail account mode? All the pluses of a filtered e-mail account, but also having reporting capability tossed in "for free" ...???

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Thanks Wazoo. I did do a search and found reference to it being the spam itself. It's too bad we can't just remove the particular report that is causing the difficulty instead of having to remove all that are left. I ended up removing all reported spam and got it back working (just didn't report the one that caused the problem). I'd considered the email account but when I originally started doing this, the reporting only account was really all I could afford. I actually just looked at my estimated cost per year today, and it is much higher than when I started ($15 to $70), so I may be letting everything go when this "fuel" runs out. Although I do feel this is worth the time it takes to report everything, I do spend an awful lot of my day doing so and the cost seems to have gone up for me (not sure if it is related to the number of spam or just the cost of the service). Either way, I may just let it go and delete the spam for a while.

Thanks for your help.

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If it's of any value, my budget has never allowed anything beyond "free-reporting" account status either <g> Truth be told, I manually report much more spam than I run through the parsing system (going a bit further than the SpamCop reporting targets) .... but then .. I'm a glutton for punishment <g>

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone else been receiving the Gateway timeout message, when trying to report cued spam (via "Report Now")?

Gateway Timeout

The proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.

I looked for an update or any info on the subject, but came up empty-handed so far.

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Merged btech's new post into this existing discussion. The only additional data I can offer righ now is mentioning that someone posted over in the newsgroups that he/she had received an e-mail from Don discussing once again that the hardware wasn't keeping up with the user-base ... work is on-going ....

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