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Account Suspended For Non-Payment


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I am a happy customer, so when my mother complained of spam, I set her up with an account. She has been ecstatic to avoid all the spam she used to get. Recently she has complained that she could not log in to check her email. We tried all the passwords we could think of, but what was most puzzling was that the saved password wasn't working. After much frustration she informs me that she received an email from spamcop that she didn't open. Could that have been the "time to re-up" email that she disregarded? If she didn't pay again (I paid the first time so she may not have understood that this is a paid service), would her login just stop working? If so how would I get her reinstated?

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The Forum FAQ has some entries that at least touch some of this. For example, the cost savings for a "family" account might be something to look into. But the primary question can be answered with the "Contact us" data .... what's going to be needed is a bit of data, especially if one is going to be talking about someone else's account status. You have of course brought up something that might also be talked to in that dialog ... why wouldn't she have read that e-mail?

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why wouldn't she have read that e-mail?


A valid Q, that I asked her. Do you not have a computer phobic mother. Imagine the worst "click happy", skittish, can't remember password, person and then imgaine worse!

Thanks for the pointers?

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Do you not have a computer phobic mother. Imagine the worst "click happy", skittish, can't remember password, person and then imgaine worse!

Heh! ... as it happens, I have my Mother's laptop sitting right here, going though another bit of clean-up after one of her 'adventures' <g>

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