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Looks like MailHost name is incorrect

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Hi There,

I have just tried to report a spam message using the web interface.

In the report I receive and before I submit it I see the following message.

Possible forgery. Supposed receiving system not associated with any of your mailhosts

I have registered the email account that I received this message from.

I had a look in the header of the email and my ISP's server was listed as follows.


I went to the mailhost tab on the top of the page and then to the Hosts/Domains drop down list for Optusnet there are 14 servers listed and one of them was shown as

mail018.syd.optusnet.com.au (Note the 0 before the 18)

mail18.syd.optusnet.com.au wasn't listed.

I guess this is why it thinks it isn't one of my servers.

Has the header actually been forged or is there an incorrect host entry in Spamcop’s database. I suppose Optusnet could have renamed something.

Anyway, Is there anything I can do about this?

Thanks in Advance


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Hi There,

Sorry I was slack and didn't get back to you.

To many things going on at once.

I'll remove the ISP from my mail hosts and add them back in again.

If it happens again I'll post the Tracking URL along with all the other details I can find.



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Hi There,

Sorry I was slack and didn't get back to you.

To many things going on at once.

I'll remove the ISP from my mail hosts and add them back in again.

If it happens again I'll post the Tracking URL along with all the other details I can find.




S'ok -- let me know if there is a problem.

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