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[Resolved] Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source


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1 hour ago, hank said:

Well fooey.  Sure makes me look like an idiot to my ISP support folks who were told their headers were broken, and they followed the newly improved links to find no problem.

So I guess I tell them there's no problem with their mail headers, it was just an artifact of something that the Spamcop support guy found wrong and fixed.  Eh?  Or is there still something wrong needing fixing?

Well, I'll be back if I get more error messages.


This is normal to everyone. You are not alone.
Your mailhost was not working even though you had it entered correctly.
Makes everyone look foolish

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Oh, lord, it's back again:

Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source

Please correct this situation - register every email address where you receive spam

No source IP address found, cannot proceed.


I emailed the Spamcop guy who replied to my last inquiry.  Here's hoping.

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1 hour ago, MIG said:


Hmmm, Hank!  

"Oh LORD" indeed, where I'm from we use a different expression, in fact, upon reading your post - G🦗



It's working now

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19 minutes ago, petzl said:

It's working now

What happened? Was it fixed? By whom? How? 

Do you know Petzl? Share please? G🦗🙏

Same original  SCTURL, before "it's working now", I've been trying to parse thru NO MAILHOSTS acc =

 https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6551860330zfe88fc64aeb0939e3fa91be48398a4d5z - no date? What have I buggered up, can't find the missing date field? Anyone please?


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I have no idea what changed. 
Spamcop's Richard replied to my inquiry, with this:


Thanks.  Added those in.  I really don't like what I'm seeing from Apple with their network setup  ;-(

The result of whatever he fixed is:
That extremely long link with the error message used to just loop back to the same reporting page where it appeared, but now it took me to an accepted spam analysis page with the usual button that let me report it.

So I guess  the lesson here is, when that error pops up, contact Spamcop's support line.

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4 minutes ago, hank said:

Spamcop's Richard replied to my inquiry:

"Added those in"

"Apple network setup"


Thanks for posting back Hank🙏 & thanks Richard!!

Added what in

I'm "assuming" from Richard's reply,  whatever he modified was DIFFERENT to what he modified pre "Friday at 05:25 AM"?  I wish he'd told us? I'm confused?

I hope the: "Apple network setup changes" information is disseminated? This is annoying. 

I'm unsure about the "Lesson", yes, certainly SCA seem to be able to "fix" everything that can be fixed, however (I'm) reluctant to have them as 1st go to, if only for the fact, I'm not sure their skills are put to good use fixing everything.

I subscribe to: "we all fix as much as we can, escalate the unfixable". It's a method that's worked... 

I support anyone getting help, however, if we knew what was fixed, we could guide future OPs: "go straight to square-#1, do not delay!"

Happy but notG🦗🙏

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SCA seem to be able to "fix" everything that can be fixed, however (I'm) reluctant to have them as 1st go to

This kind of reminds me of asking my first UNIX host's sysop about a problem connecting with my acoustic coupler, vt-100 terminal, and 300 baud modem.
He replied "that's trivial."

I inquired further and he explained:  "'Trivial' means not worth my time to fix and you'll never figure it out in a million years."

Lessons in humility, these experiences are.

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7 hours ago, hank said:

This kind of reminds me of asking my first UNIX host's sysop about a problem connecting with my acoustic coupler, vt-100 terminal, and 300 baud modem. He replied "that's trivial."
I inquired further and he explained:  "'Trivial' means not worth my time to fix and you'll never figure it out in a million years."

Trivial/MWMT, wonder where he is now? (Not really), rude little sod!

Can G🦗be nosy Hank & ask what you did with: Acoustic coupler, vt-100 terminal/300 baud modem?

Re Richard's current fix, there's obviously a "fixable" issue, if SCF track it then the next poor buggar & the one after that and the next & so on will know, "go straight to Fleet St, don't dally.... "

Without the info, well....? 

I don't understand why Richard would elaborate on one fix and not another?

I don't understand if the current fix is "Hank SC account" specific or more general?

I don't understand?

"Lessons in humility, these experiences are", indeed!



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On 6/3/2019 at 10:05 AM, hank said:

> what I did with Acoustic coupler, vt-100 terminal/300 baud modem

Logged into the WELL's VAX 11/750 in its early days.  Didn't even need a home computer, just a phone line.

Oh those times 👴🏼


I think I’m showing my age 😗🎶

But to our microVAX I had direct terminal access ;)

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Just got another of those "mailhost" error messages; I sent it to Spamcop Richard figuring that's the best way to resolve them.
I do wish he'd tell us how to fix them, since others have gotten them too in the past.

But maybe by now it's just me.

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21 hours ago, hank said:

1. Just got another of those "mailhost" error messages;

2. I sent it to Spamcop Richard figuring that's the best way to resolve them.
3. I do wish he'd tell us how to fix them, since others have gotten them too in the past.

4. But maybe by now it's just me.

Hello Hank,

1. What was the error message exactly? Was it "Mailhost configuration problem, identified internal IP as source"?

Um & didn't Richard say " the problem/solution "a.local-delivery was in the mailhosts, but b.local-delivery wasn't" & didn't Richard fix that? Like, that can't be "broke" again, surely?

Or is it this solution "Added those in.  I really don't like what I'm seeing from Apple with their network setup", which none of us have a clue exactly what that means? 

2. Yeah, (I figure you're correct), n, I think, if there's some secret solution,  we send everything to Richard. 

3. Totally agree!

4. Absolutely disagree - it's not just you/only you!

Do you have the tracking URL please? 

G🦗 🙏


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It was the familiar "Mailhost configuration problem ...."
No point requoting the tracking URL link here, as I believe that we have learned that the destination of those links will have changed as soon as Richard of Spamcop fixed the problem.

He replied to my followup question -- I asked whether there is a way that I could fix these myself.  The answer is no:


Sorry, there really isn't.  When new servers are added or newly discovered, they have to be manually added to the mailhost record.

And he went on to say


 I'm not sure what's going on with Apple expansion.

I guess we're lucky though.  It was a real mess when AOL and Yahoo merged everything, then merged into Verizon.  The MS mess of them merging everything together is going to take them another four years to get everything straight.


So am happy to settle for knowing we have a guardian angel working at Spamcop who can resolve the "Mailhost configuration problem" error messages.

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And a reply after I reported it:



Thanks.  I looked at the patterns and proactively added a bunch. Hopefully I'm ahead of them 🙂

So, I'm guessing the problem occurs because of mail senders adding new servers -- thinking about how when we set up a mail source we're offered a list of servers to verify, and told we can do one or more of them --- I guess after the fact the sender must  be creating new servers that we don't get a chance to list for Spamcop.

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