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G🦗H has, over a 18 month period, selected/configured some or all of the following: 

  1. Send me news and information - yes
  2. One email per day with all new content from that day - yes
  3. One email per week with all new content from that week - yes
  4. Only send one email notification for content I follow until I revisit the community - yes

G🦗H has never received any communications of any kind.

Does SCF email notifications feature work please🤔?


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Yes the notification system does work.  I receive several admin types for example when someone reports a spam or when someone makes a post that needs to be approved, I am notified.

In the passed bulk notification has been sent when the forum will be down for maintenance.  Which notice are you looking for?  I will try to see why it is not working for you.

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1 hour ago, Lking said:

I did receive the following emailSCF1.png


6 hours ago, Lking said:

Yes the notification system does work.  I receive several admin types for example when someone reports a spam or when someone makes a post that needs to be approved, I am notified.

In the passed bulk notification has been sent when the forum will be down for maintenance.  Which notice are you looking for?  I will try to see why it is not working for you.


6 hours ago, Lking said:

Yes the notification system does work.  I receive several admin types for example when someone reports a spam or when someone makes a post that needs to be approved, I am notified.

In the passed bulk notification has been sent when the forum will be down for maintenance.  Which notice are you looking for?  I will try to see why it is not working for you.


Thanks for the followup.

I wasn't looking for a "specific" email/notification. I've never received email notifications. (It's been on the backburner forever, just got around to writing a post about it😉)

I'm wondering if, 'cause you're a MASTER (Admin) you may belong to an "elevated privilege" category?

I can't test this "theory", but maybe, someone who has SCF "Admin" authority could create a dummy, pleb account, set up Mail notifications and see what arrives ... ?

As always, curious G🦗H🙏


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11 minutes ago, MIG said:

but maybe, someone who has SCF "Admin" authority could create a dummy,

Good idea.  You may notice a third poster in this thread? 

Just to be sure you have check all you notification settings.

1. Top right of screen, click on your login name and pick <Account Settings> from the drop down menu

2. In the right 1/3 of the SETTINGS window under "Other Settings" select <Notification Settings>

3.  Scroll down past the first <SAVE> and look at your selected option.

You will notice that in some cases when you mouse over an option you will see "The administrator has disabled..."

When I started looking, I didn't remember seeing this before.

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Just looked and "I" have received 3 email notices about posting in this thread.  The system is a little slow so the notice for the last post from "LKing"

4 minutes ago, Lking said:

Good idea.  You may notice a third poster in this thread? 

has not arrived.

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3 hours ago, minime said:

Just looked and "I" have received 3 email notices about posting in this thread.  The system is a little slow so the notice for the last post from "LKing" has not arrived.

I did notice Minnie me MASTER, I didn't twig (hehe that's an G🦗H in joke) that MASTER woz MM😉

So, 'cause I'm like the system (a little slow), are you saying the mail notifications might not be working for MM or, are working for MM, but, are "a little slow"?

Confused G🦗H

All preferences have been set & reset, saved, many times, browsers flushed, reset, multiple browsers tried...

<"The administrator has disabled this option from being toggled"> is not set for every available option.

Is it me or SCF?


  • I was expecting emails to come to my email account that my SCF profile is based on....
  • Is my "expectation" the issue?

I remain, an always grateful and easily confused G🦗H🙏



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4 hours ago, MIG said:
  • I was expecting emails to come to my email account that my SCF profile is based on....
  • Is my "expectation" the issue?

I can not speak to your expectations in general, however in this case your expectations are not the issue.

I was trying to say that mail notification is working for MM, however some times the deliver is slow.

I would suggest a couple of things 1) turn on all the notifications and then save at the bottom of the screen.  2) check junk folder for <noreply{AT}spamcop.invisionmanaged.net>  the source of the notifications.

Testing takes coordination (or patience) sense you do not get notification of your own post. Testing in this thread is a bit of a clutter. Suggest 1) above and the check the options when you follow an active thread.

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Lking: expectations😂,  your dry wit matches your MASTER status.

 1) turn on all the notifications and then save at the bottom of the screen.
I have, over 18 months, on & off, off & on... ad infinitum.... so many times. By slow, do you mean "that slow?"

 2) check junk folder for <noreply{AT}spamcop.invisionmanaged.net>  the source of the notifications.


Nor have I ever blocked or marked as "junk" spamcop.invisionmanaged.net, or "spamcop.anything", for that matter.

3)  coordination/patience: G🐜H has patience. Coordination:🤔 


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With the email column in 1) set to on  take a close look at the options when you "follow" a thread.

Not sure what the problem is. MM is an ordinary newbie "Members" not even an "Membera" as you are and MM gets emails.  There is no way the system can relate my two accounts the emails are in different domains. ~~ No one is going to do the traffic analysis and notice that both emails use the same IP (we share an ISP) or that the two domains have the same IP (I have both domains on the same host/VM).

I can not see your account settings so I am some what limited to suggestions.

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1 hour ago, Lking said:

With the email column in 1) set to on  take a close look at the options when you "follow" a thread.

I can not see your account settings so I am some what limited to suggestions.

Thank you Master, I'm grateful for your input:

1 email per week with all new content, over the past 18 months I've also selected 1 email per day, blah, blah, blah - every so often I change around in the hope my actions will bring on "movement  at the station"🐎

Notification settings:


All options - buttons - whatever can be toggled, I have, same reason - hoping something fires


If it's just too weird Master, don't worry, time spent on more important things is probably the best choice.

I'll bug you about something else, never fear😉

As it's never worked maybe insects aren't supposed to get Mail?


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