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Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac


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Here is my process and keyboard shortcuts for reporting spam through the website for those interested.

I am using Thunderbird as my email client, some of these shortcuts may be different for your email application. Safari is my web browser.

Thunderbird---(command+u)----------------View message source

Thunderbird---(command+a)----------------Select all


LaunchBar----(command+spacebar)-------Open LaunchBar

LaunchBar----(sp then enter)---------------Open Spamcop reporting web page using launchbar

Safari----------(tab*2) (command+v)------Paste email into spam reporting field

Safari----------(tab)(spacebar)---------------Submit spam

Safari----------Wait for SpamCop confirmation page to open

Safari----------(shift+tab*(the number of comment boxes at the bottom of the web page until the "Send spam reports button" is selected)

Safari----------(spacebar)----------------------To submit spam

Mac OS--------(apple+tab)--------------------select Thunderbird application

Thunderbird---(command+w)---------------Closes the email message source window

Thunderbird---(J)------------------------------Flags the email as spam in Thunderbird

I almost prefer this method now because there is no keyboard shortcut on the mac for "Forward as attachment" in Thunderbird. And if I forward as attachment I have to wait for the return email and then click on the link to finish reporting.

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