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Forum Login problems?


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I have problems from work, but I'm guessing that it's a problem with the systems out of my work, rather than a problem with Spamcop since I have no problems from home. What happens is this:

- I click on my bookmark to open the site in Firefox.

- I get that I'm a guest and my login information is filled in for me to click login.

- I click the login buton, and get the splash page telling me that I'm now logged in as JEV.

Here's where it gets a bit weird...

- Sometimes, I find myself back in the guest mode, with my login information filled out for me to click login.

- Sometimes I find myself logged in.

- If/when I get logged in, I click on the new posts link to find all activity since I was last on.

- Sometimes I get the search results page, and sometimes I end up back at the guest mode page with my information filled in to log in.

It's very odd. Generally I try a few times, but if I can't get in I just either try again the next day, or try from home that night. I've never been able to figure out what was going on, but thought I'd post something as another data point (though I'm all but certain that it is caused by something at my end, and not a SpamCop issue). The really weird thing is that it only happens with the SpamCop forums, never any other...


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"I get that I'm a guest and my login information is filled in for me to click login."

I think we're discussing different problems; I was referring to logging in to spam reporting as opposed to the Discussion Group.


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