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Forwarded spam duplicating

Chris Parker

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Last few pieces of spam forwarded for reporting appear to be getting duped into the reporting system. Basically, after reporting it comes back into the queue and the parser knows that it's already been reported.

just an FYI

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well sorry, but i'm just echoing what he's said in the newsgroups lately.

a big part of spamcop's successful buyout was the work of a ton of individual reporting sites, and using "if you don't like it, just leave" as a default response (see spamcop.help) - well, it stinks.

there's a difference between customers and "users" you know.

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in the newsgroups now .. I don't have a clue as to where you're getting the "default response" ... hell, I'm one of the ones trying to provide assistance and I'm not to that point yet ... and I go way back to the early days of SpamCop ...

and, if you don't know it, JeffG is also just another user also ... just volunteered to take on an extra load over in these Forums ....

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From Ellen, over in the newsgroups:

We are aware of the "report now" link problems and have paged the

appropriate people to take a look at it. I have no ETA for a fix. I realize

that the problem is annoying but at least we can still report spam.

Problem symptoms: when you click "report now" you see the past spam parse

and a comment at the bottom that you have already reported this spam. If you

click the link again you get the next spam parse and the send reports

button. The next time you click report now you see that last spam and

already reported -- etc.



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FWIW I'm seeing the same behavior myself. I report a spam successfully, then it says I have unreported spam. If I click the Report Now link, it says it was already reported. This is with reporting spams serially, i.e. one at a time, so there are no other old ones, just the single new one being reported and queued twice for some reason.

Good to know other people are seeing the same thing, at least, and that the developers know about it already....

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