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I have been reporting spam for 4 days


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I have been reporting spam regularly for years. Since midday April 10 I have not been getting the automatic responses from SpamCop to reports I am sending in.

Can someone please advise?




There is a FAQ at the top of this forum with the title: Pinned: Original SpamCop FAQ Plus - Read before Posting

The lach of information in your post leads me to believe you have not read that, specifically the section:SpamCop Parsing and Reporting Service

and the specific entries:

E-Mail spam submittals blocked by your ISP?

Emailed spam Submissions Disappearing? No Confirmation e-mails?

Please read that section and come back with any specific questions you still have.

There is a FAQ at the top of this forum with the title: Pinned: Original SpamCop FAQ Plus - Read before Posting

Thanks, Steven - the old RTFM - sorry.

Yep - spam Cop had a bounce form me.

Bounce flag reset.



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