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Reporting with Spamassassin


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I have just started to report spam with spamassassin and created a corresponding spamcop account. Now I always get a autoreply asking me to visit a URL and confirm that the message I have reported is really spam. As I get more than 1000 spams per month I am not willing to manually confirm every one of them. Can I somehow bypass this confirmation step or should I stop filing reports with spamcop?


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Hi, Tom,

There's another option: just report what you have the time and inclination to do. Quality is much preferred to quantity. SpamCop is just a tool that does the work to determine the most likely source of the spam and the relevant abuse desk and generates e-mail reports for you. Therefore, whereas you might have been able to reasonably report a spam or two a day (or perhaps even less), with SpamCop you will be able to report much more. 1000 per day is WAY too many for anyone to reasonably expect you to report.

...Hope you decide to stick with us! :) <g>

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It sounds like you need to visit the FAQ. You don't specify "the URL" in question, so forsing us to guess that it's really the spamcop.net page showing the parsing and reporting output. Apparently what you seemed to have skipped is the part about "you are responsible for shich and where reports go out to" .... Many stories in here resulting from bad / sloppy reporting. The SpamCop tool-set is noting more, just a tool. Like any tool, it can bite you if left unattended / unsupervised while in operation.

Noting also that you somehow skipped the Introductory description of the "How to Use .." Forum section .. Your post was moved to the Reporting Help Forum as it seemed to lack any "Instructions only" content or any type of a walk-through ....

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