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SpamCop Emails To Me Bounce

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lately I don't receive confirmation request emails from SpamCop anymore. On my account page is says:

"Bounce error
Your email address, (xxx) has returned a bounce:
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Reason: 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'Sorry, we do not accept connections from="

I'm not aware of having made any changes.
Also, when I tried to report this issue here: https://www.spamcop.net/ces/contact.shtml after tapping on the Submit button that page disappeared and thia page appeared  http://mail.spamcop.net/contact4.php

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A very lovely sounding young lady from Tele2.nl just checked it all out and found the bounce notification. She had never heard of SpamCop but was very interested when I told her about it, and she was glad there are people fighting spam. She said she was going to find out more about it as she had a very full spam box herself.

We laughed when she agreed Tele2.nl must have read "spam" in "spamcop" and therefore blocked it... 😃

She wanted to know the address SpamCop sends it's e-mails to me with, and luckily I could find it in the trash, the last one from October when things still worked fine. Now she forwards it to the technicians who will set that e-mail address again as legit, and hopefully permanently. I had to give permission for them to get into my e-mail account, and  give them an alternative e-mail address where they will let me know -in max 5 days- that it is fixed, with a link to reset my password.

Edited by Lodewijk
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On 1/19/2020 at 5:00 PM, Lodewijk said:

"Bounce error
Your email address, (xxx) has returned a bounce:
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Reason: 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'Sorry, we do not accept connections from="

I had this happen with my account on gmail.  I had to find all the related message in my spam folder and mark them as "not spam" in order to get their spam rules to stop rejecting it.  For me, it all started when google changed their rule system and needed every thing to be setup again.  So far I have all seems good for me.  Hopefully this might help you.

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  • 8 months later...

Thank you for your replies.

I called my ISP -Tele2-  again not too long ago, as the issue was not fixed, and after the help desk man looked into it he contacted one of the engineers. It turns out the spam filter my ISP is using sees the word "spam" in "spamcop" and flags it as spam. The engineer could not fix that I was told.

Luckily I rarely get spam since quite some time, so it's no biggie for me at all.

Years ago I got a 100 a day, all fake FedEx, PayPal, Master Card etc. emails telling me there was one or another issue and asking asking me to click on the link to fill out my data on the respective sites to have it fixed. (Which I never did.) That's when I found SpamCop and began reporting all of the spam mails. After six weeks they had diminished to nothing.

If I still were getting lots of spam, and also others had the issue of their ISP's spam filter blocking their reporting to SpamCop, I would suggest the latter no longer use the word "spam" in their reporting and asking for confirmation email addresses. 

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On 9/28/2020 at 3:01 AM, Lodewijk said:

If I still were getting lots of spam, and also others had the issue of their ISP's spam filter blocking their reporting to SpamCop, I would suggest the latter no longer use the word "spam" in their reporting and asking for confirmation email addresses. 

If they cannot remove the filter, maybe one possible option is for them to whitelist the mfrom domain of SpamCop.net or give it a non-spam score.

It would be nice to not use the word "spam" in a filter.  But then what kind of spammer would actually use the word "spam" in their emails?

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