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Many providers use "spamrl.com" to block spam emails from entering their systems. Unfortunately, spamrl scans an entire email to find ANY email address it considers spam - and bounces it back to the originator. I have reported over 20,000 spams over the years to SpamCop - but now many of my emails are being blocked by spamrl - because it detects a spammer's address in my attachment. This forces me to not use quick reporting but rather copy and paste to SpamCop directly. I have contacted spamrl.com directly and explained the problem to them - but they have been unresponsive.

This issue also impacts attempts to send "phishing" email to folks who want to see them, like spoof@paypal.com. spamrl.com also blocks them because they "discover" phishing emails in ones attachment.

Some of you may not know that spamrl.com is doing this to you - as it depends on how you handle "bounced" emails.

Any ideas on how to deal with this (other than asking every mail ISP one uses to bypass spamrl for all one's email)?

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1 hour ago, lbickley said:

Any ideas on how to deal with this (other than asking every mail ISP one uses to bypass spamrl for all one's email)?

Become assimilated get a Gmail account, Free but you are the product 
Best email system for clearing spam, not heard of false positives is Cisco spam filter.
You need a email provider that uses a Cisco email server.
You just don't get spam and there is nothing to do. You don't see it.
A company I worked for uses them, no problems no spam, brilliant

Edited by petzl
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