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Question about how SpamCop handles bouncing addres


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A lot of times, I see that SpamCop will devull reports to ISP#domain.com[at]devnull.spamcop.net because that particular ISP's address is bouncing.

That's fine and understandable, but what happens if/when the ISP's address stops bouncing and it actualy starts accepting e-mail? How would SpamCop find out when the address works again (and thus stop automaticly devnulling the reports to that address)? Isn't it possible that SpamCop is devnulling reports for address' that actualy stopped bouncing awhille ago?

I've always wondered that... Thanks. :)

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<snip> How would SpamCop find out when the address works again (and thus stop automaticly devnulling the reports to that address)? Isn't it possible that SpamCop is devnulling reports for address' that actualy stopped bouncing awhille ago?

I've always wondered that... Thanks. :)


If an ISP wants to receive spamcop reports again (because of a change of management), then I think they would have to contact spamcop deputies. Otherwise, it is very unlikely that the bouncing stopped. The ISP intends to support spammers and doesn't want reports.

The other alternative is that something went wrong. Again, the ISP would probably contact spamcop, in that case, when it got fixed.

Since the devnull feeds the blocklist, they will know that spamcop is getting reports when the IP address is blocked. Probably they don't care. Or again, if they do care, they will contact spamcop.

That's my guess.

Miss Betsy

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A lot of times, I see that SpamCop will devull reports to ISP#domain.com[at]devnull.spamcop.net because that particular ISP's address is bouncing.

That's fine and understandable, but what happens if/when the ISP's address stops bouncing and it actualy starts accepting e-mail? How would SpamCop find out when the address works again (and thus stop automaticly devnulling the reports to that address)? Isn't it possible that SpamCop is devnulling reports for address' that actualy stopped bouncing awhille ago?

I've always wondered that... Thanks. :)


In additon to Miss Betsy's comments, I would like to add that I don't believe addresses are added to this list very quickly. We would need word from the deputies (or Julian) to see exactly how an address is added to that list.

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