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Forum - Last Post link


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The information in the 'Last Post Info' column on the forums page should not contain links to a deleted post (as in the Testing forum).

Jun 29 2005, 10:27 PM

In: ??? ????? ?????????????????...

By: Wazoo

I'm not sure if it would be better to just remove the link part (which doesn't work anyway - it takes you to this error screen) or restore the information that would have appeared prior to the deletion (may not be stored anywhere, which would make it impossible to do).

Just what you wanted - another trip to the IPB forums.

I first noticed this "error condition" while researching another query on or along the lines of "view new posts" .. noting that follwing that to completion always got me an "you obviously don't know how to use this" error page. In this case, I did delete two posts in that Forum yesterday, as the data there was actually moved / incorporated into the FAQ Forum (after changing some other configuration flags to allow those new items to "work" there (see the FAQ and Glossary) ... The "easy" way to clear this up would either to have someone make a new post <g> or fire up the contol panel for this thing and force a "rebuild of contents" action. In all honesty, I gave this no thought when I deleted the posts. I'm not sure how many folks use these interesting icon bits, and as my mode is to read everything, I don't use most of them myself. Will try to do better to remember some of these things in the future.

As far as the IPB Forums, pretty much there everyday ... version 2.1 has gone beta (last week), and some of these issues have been resolved (and of course, new issues are now in place <g) .. but the status quo remains ... there has yet to be one of my queries answered (maybe 8 now), but I'm coming up on 300 posts in trying to help other folks out. Thanks for pointing out the error, noting that Matt (IPB's Julian) doesn't consider it a "bug" and that 2.1 is supposed to handle this more gracefully .. if it's any help, a lot of the stuff done to this existing Forum will need to be re-visited (if not entirely rebuilt) when 2.1 gets released for public consumption (originally targeted for June, but getting closer <g>)

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