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33 hours In spamcop BL but not sent to held mail

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I got a religious spam in my inbox just now which the headers say was POP'd at 11:30 GMT, 3 hours ago.

Subject: If You Need This....OPEN!

Manual reporting says the origin was


http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...= listed in bl.spamcop.net (

Since SpamCop started counting, this system has been reported about 30 times by about 10 users. It has been sending mail consistently for at least 2.6 days. It has been listed for 33 hours.

The headers say was checked, no result.

So what went wrong, 33 hours seems to be a good enough tolerance ?

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but the "source" to SpamCop was from .... parsing the spam for the spam source is a bit different than checking the incoming mail to your SpamCop InBox ... but, that said not having a clue as to what filters you've got turned on, how they're set, etc ...

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but the "source" to SpamCop was from .... parsing the spam for the spam source is a bit different than checking the incoming mail to your SpamCop InBox ...  but, that said not having a clue as to what filters you've got turned on, how they're set, etc ...

but the "source" to SpamCop was from .... parsing the spam for the spam source is a bit different than checking the incoming mail to your SpamCop InBox ...  but, that said not having a clue as to what filters you've got turned on, how they're set, etc ...

Huh ? What question were you answering ? ( is mk-pop3-lb.mail.uk.tiscali.com which is where SC mails POP'd it from)

The"source" to SpamCop is

"Re: (Administrator of network where email originates)

Reportid: 724081864 To: jcastill[at]gye.satnet.net"

Spamcop says has been on the SC BL for 33 hours.

My Spamcop mail account uses the SC BL (no webmail filters were used).

The headers show that SC mail noticed that was in the received lines and that SC mail processed it 3-4 hours ago.

so why didn't it go to my held mail folder ?


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