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Road Runner now sending confirmations of blocked


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I may not have to give up my master account. The past two days, Road Runner has started sending me confirmations for the spam I sent them. They have actually started blocking IP addresses and also complete networks/ISP's! They blocked chinatietong's complete network! Finally no more of that junk! According to their email, it will be blocked for all RR users.

Their confirmation looks like this...

Complaint Subject:

Date Complaint Submitted:

IP Address Identified:

Result: IP network will be blocked

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Their confirmation looks like this...

Complaint Subject:

Date Complaint Submitted:

IP Address Identified:

Result: IP network will be blocked


I'd like to start seeing responses to the complaints about their own spam-spewing vermin users. They don't want to cut off their own customers, even when they are obviously infected with a virus or worm that sends out spam on an hourly basis.

It's a start, but I don't think it's good enough.

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