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Body of mail not included?


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:blink: I am having a problem with submitting e-mails to be processed. Recently I installed Windows XP and everything has problems one way or another.

The situation now is I submit the messages to be processed and they all come back with the same answer, "body of message not included". What do I have to do to correct this? I am using Outlook Express.

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What Wazoo wants to know is /how/ you are using Outlook Express (OE). If a lot of things were changed when you upgraded to XP, then perhaps your OE settings have changed also.

Since, at one time, you submitted spam without problems, perhaps you will find something yourself if you check your options.

You could also try cutting and pasting to see if that works. If so, then it is probably your submission routine that has changed somehow.

Miss Betsy

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I never heard of that way of doing it. The way I did it in OE is to right click on the spam and select forward as attachment. And that was all.

Are you sure you are not using Outlook?

But I haven't forwarded spam for a long time (I cut & paste) so perhaps something has changed.

Miss Betsy

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forwarding the body of the message as an attachment and copying/pasting the header

If this is as you've always done it, I find it hard to believe it ever worked ... but, I'm still trying to guess at how you've been just "attaching" just the body ... normally, you'd just right-click on the message or work through the menus and "Forward as attachment" is one of the options, and that packages the entire message as the attachment. Pasting the headers into the "body" of the submittal would only confuse the parser .. but, you say it worked for you in the past ..??

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There are two things you can try.

One of the has been stated as send as attachment.

To forward as an attachment:

Select the email message in the right pane then from the top menu select "Message" then "Forward as attachment".

To cut and paste:

Select the message in the right pane and on the keyboard use "<ctrl><F3>"


File/Properties/Details/Message Source

The copy the entire screen <Ctrl-C> and in the Spamcop reporting Window click <Ctrl-V> to paste it in.

Hope this helps.

Let me know ;)

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