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What is wrong with my server?


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what is wrong with my email server??

I have receive this email:

Confirmare cont GoldenLinks 
     Contul dumneavoastra a fost creat
Va rugam confirmari contul accesand acest link: 

        activare cont
     Primiti acest e-mail in urma solicitarii de creare cont GoldenLinks -
www. goldenlinks. ro 
     Daca nu ati facut dumneavoastra aceasta cerere va rugam sa ignorati acest email
si sa acceptati scuzele noastre.

And is not complete. Some parts is missing! Is threat like spam ?

The Corect Code message receive with yahoo is this:

<table width="355" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="border" style="padding:10px; ">
     <td width="343" height="38" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#ffcc00"><span class="style5">Confirmare cont GoldenLinks </span></td>

     <td height="66" valign="top" style="padding:10px;">Contul dumneavoastra a fost creat<br>Va rugam confirmari contul accesand acest link: <br><br>
	<a target="_blank"  href="http:// home.goldenlinks. ro/index.php?userzone=confirm_email&active_code=468943204" >activare cont</a></td>
     <td valign="top" style="padding:10px;">Primiti acest e-mail in urma solicitarii de creare cont GoldenLinks - <a target="_blank"  href="http:// www.goldenlinks. ro" >www. goldenlinks. ro</a> <br />

     <br />
     Daca nu ati facut dumneavoastra aceasta cerere va rugam sa ignorati acest email si sa acceptati scuzele noastre.</td>

Where is my problem? Why the message is not complete !??

Moderator Edit: broke the links to make them non-clickable here, and not picked up by search engines ... decision partially based on this user's original signature block of links .....

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Having absolutely nothing to do with an issue with a Qwest server (which is where this was originally posted) ... Topic split out into its own Subject .... and as the question posed is not directly related to "Reporting" .. moved to the Lounge.

Trying to ignore the possible/probable language issue, but with no header data provided whatsoever, I'm actually wondering of this is possibly just trying to spam the sites listed in the bold signature ..... I looked at two of them and see nothing but lists of more links to do even more wicked stuff ....

There is a window here for the original poster to come back and fill in some missing data .. but there is an off chance that this Topic could be placed elsewhere so the links don't get seen ....

Solved immediate issue by removing said signature .... waiting ....

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The message is in Romanian and informs you that you just opened an account with GoldenLinks, that sounds suspiciously like a porn site. I hope you didn't give them your credit card number. Do you remember opening an account with them?

PS. I went to the website, they sell everything and anything, good news is that it is not porn!

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