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Have been having problems sending bounces/reporting, both to spam Cop and Blue Frog.

Error message as follows: The SMTP server can not or will not send messages from <>. The problem occurred while trying to bounce the email procession sent from "<>". The SMTP server does not appear to conform to the SMTP protocol: RSET returned 530.5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first

Any suggestions: I'm running on Win2000XP, plus Outlook Express 6.0


Moderator Edit: removed the font settings so as to make this post legible ...

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...Don't quite know where to put this but since it does not provide "How To" information, I am moving it to the "SpamCop Lounge" forum.

...When you write, "sending bounces/reporting," do you mean submitting spam to the SpamCop parser? If so, what steps are you using to do that? The most common mistake in this regard is trying to forward spam -- if you are submitting spam via e-mail you must forward as an attachment.

...Please let us know ... thanks!

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Have been having problems sending bounces/reporting, both to spam Cop and Blue Frog.

Error message as follows: The SMTP server can not or will not send messages from <>.

That error message would rather suggest that the SMTP server you are connecting to doesn't like someone trying to send an e-mil with no address involved. This would seem to be more of an OE confguration issue.

On the other hand, there was a from the Netherlands (I think? been a while) that was using a Symantic tool that tried to "protect" the user, but in that case, the e-mail address was replaced by some "...." sequence. Resolution took some time as it was first thought that the user was doing this himself (it was my noting that the length of the "..." kept changing that finally got things "fixed") .... Turning off the feature in the Symantic tool solved the problem.

Any suggestions: I'm running on Win2000XP, plus Outlook Express 6.0

Most folks I know either run 2000 or run XP .... there is qute a difference ....

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The problem occurs when I try to bouce/report etc, using Mailwasher.

The "Bounce" mode of that tool is something that should be turned off immediately. It doesn't "fake the spammer out" .. it can get you into trouble with your ISP as it typically forges the "Sending address" as Postmaster of your ISP ...

The rest of the issue seems to be as I suggested above, there isn't enough data in the configuration of your MailWasher install ... based on the message, apparently missing "your" From: address .....

Use the "Search" tools available here .. there are many MailWasher discussions existing here ... some of them deal with setting it up, plugging in data, etc. (Of course, you're also going to see the "Bounce" feature mentioned a 'few' times ....)

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