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Short List of FAQ

Miss Betsy

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Typical Questions for New user of SpamCop Reporting Service:

If you are getting an error when you submit spam via your email reporting address, check out if you are 'Forwarding as Attachment'

There are two Forwards - 'inline' and 'as attachment' Depending on what email application you are using, there are different instructions on how to choose 'inline' or 'as attachment'

Forward as Attachment Instructions

Forwarding "As Attachment" from GroupWise 6.x

Forwarding "As Attachment" from HotMail

Forwarding "As Attachment" From OE6

Forwarding "As Attachment" From SpamCop Webmail

Forwarding "As Attachment" from ThunderBird (multiple e-mails)

Forwarding "As Attachment" from Yahoo (U.S.)

For 'cut and paste' in the web form: How to find Headers (again, it depends on whether you are using Outlook, Thunderbird, Outlook Express, Hotmail, etc.)

Also look at the How to Use Forum - lots of information there!

Tutorials in the How to use .... > SpamCop Reporting section

Mailhosts short list of Questions

How do I know how long I am logged in?

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