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Spamcop works arbitrary and untrustworthy!!

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Spamcop puted libero.it on the blocking list

bl.spamcop.net - is smtp1.libero.it

Several of the collaborators of our company in Italy uses this provider and are now unabled to deliver us their work!!! - This causes great damages to our company.

The spamcop blocks providers ist arbitrary: It is just sufficient that a numbor of E-Mail are sent to spamcop pretending, that a provider distributes spam, and than this provider is blocked without beeing heard. This way of proceeding remembers to the times of inquisition in the Dark Midle Ages!!! Normaly in a constitutional state an acused person or institution pricipally should be heard before any measures can be taken. Now, if any person does not like any provider, he or she can just generate 50 false E-Mail-Addresses and send from each one a complaint against this provider an hups, this provider is blocked!!! This ist totally inacceptable. As this in the actual case causes substancial damage to our company we are even thinging about possibilities to initiate a legal case against this self named spamcop!

Additionaly we have to constate, that not only spamcop does not really prevent the abuse of the Internet by spamers: The can do absolutely nothing against the actual wave of viruses. We would it consider much more useful, if a sistem could be developed to prevent the transporation of virus infected attachements automatically!!!

With best regards D.M. Weidmann

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The IP you list has data provided to show a long history of issues. http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblo...p=

I know for a fact that the only e-mail I receive from libero.it is spam, has always been spam.

And, from your long post and accusations, I'd suggest that you try to go read http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=35 and / or http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=509 to see that most of what you allege is not true.

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I can provide you with the headers of spam from libero.it if you like.

Please use alternate ways of contacting your colleagues until you convince libero.it to give you reliable email service. It is the *sender* of email who is responsible for spam and for the solutions to spam.

Miss Betsy

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Cartooney (noun): Any type of threat, legal or physical, without merit.

(Below text is taken from standard replies to questions and threats such as this in the newsgroups)

Please note that SpamCop is not interfering with your e-mail. Use of SpamCop's blocking list is purely optional and used at the discretion of ISP administrators. You should realize that no ISP is obligated to accept e-mail from your mail server, and you cannot sue SpamCop just because an ISP choses to use SpamCop's block list. Many ISPs try to prevent spam from reaching their users. Because you choose to use an ISP that is not handling its spam problem quickly enough, other ISPs are blocking mail from your ISP's mail server. You need to complain to your ISP and tell them that you are having trouble sending e-mail because they are not removing spammers from their service quickly enough.

(not an admin, just a conscious, cautious user) :ph34r:

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Everyone has their opinion but it seems as if the people you are trying to send your email to disagree with you because they are trusting the Spamcop list to keep spam out of their inboxes.

You should contact the folks at libero.it and have them remove their spammers. There is way too much spam coming from their services and they do not seem to be reading or acting upon their abuse reports.

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