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Does SpamCop Work?


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This topic was created to show the postive ways in which SpamCop is performing its mission.

The first entry is taken from a reply post requesting suggestions for a good ISP.

The link to the original post is: http://forum.spamcop.net/forums/index.php?...ost&p=44708 submitted by dg3274

I found out the hard way (by accident) that my ISP (Speakeasy.net) is very diligent when it comes to pursuing abuse related issues.

One Friday night back in October, a friend brought over a laptop to have me take a look at it because it was acting up. It turned out to have a hidden spam relay trojan running in the background that took me a little while to find. Well, I had the laptop hooked up to my network (shame on me) and some of those spam emails got loose before I was able to completely clean the machine.

On the following Sunday night I recieved this email from my ISP:



We have received a report regarding your computer or network's security. It's imperative that you review this notice and take the recommended actions immediately. Should we receive similar reports, we may need to interrupt your broadband services until you are able to secure your computer or network.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.



We have recently received a report that there has been activity originating from your circuit that is in violation of the Speakeasy Acceptable Use Policy. The IP address in question is:


The following complaint is concerning unsolicited emails being sent from this IP and/or spam being sent, advertising a site at that IP address. Sending any form of unsolicited or bulk mail or using unsolicited email to promote a site hosted anywhere on our network is strictly prohibited under Speakeasy's Terms of Service. We request that you immediately cease and desist this activity.

If you believe that someone may be compromising a machine or other equipment on your network, it is imperative that you remove the vulnerable machine or equipment from your network and make certain that it is properly secured, prior to placing it back online.

It is vital for the security of your personal network and the Speakeasy network as a whole that you address this issue. If we continue to receive similar reports about your circuit, we will be forced to temporarily suspend your broadband service until this issue is resolved. Please understand that we consider an interruption in your service only when it is absolutely required to ensure both your security, and the overall security of the entire Speakeasy network.


If this is your first notification from abuse[at]speakeasy.net, there will be no Service Ticket created for this incident. If there have been abuse incidents reported on your circuit in the past however, there will be an open Service Ticket on your account. To ensure that your service is not interrupted, it's important that you update us once you have resolved this issue. Please call Speakeasy Support at 800.556.5829 or login to MySpeakeasy

(http://www.speakeasy.net/myspeak) and update the open Service Ticket referencing this issue.

Please review the relevant portions of our Terms of Service under "Moderations of Use" and "Acceptable Use Policy"

at this link:

Speakeasy AUP/TOS


We thank you for taking the time to address these Internet security concerns,

Network Security Department

Speakeasy, Inc.


An attached report from Spamcop followed in the email.

So this confirms that:

1. My ISP is commited to actively pursuing abuse complaints

2. Spamcop works

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