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If hotmail closes an account can they reopen it?


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I am pretty positive someone that doesnt like me (an ex friend) got into my hotmail account and sent a whole bunch of e-mails violating the hotmail policy (abusive e-mails or spam I dont know....). No big deal I thought, I changed my password, etc....

Well I went to sign in yesterday and I got a message saying that my account is closed and access is denied.

Now is there NO ONE I can talk to in regards to this? I have filled out that form on t e hotmail support site and all I got in return was an automated message.

Is there no PERSON I can talk to? Can a closed hotmail account be reopened?

Will hotmail actually beleive that someone signed into my account? I really cant beleive this has happened because I've had this account for years without any problems.

Has anyone had this happen to them with positive results in the end? I have a lot of personal and sentimental emails that I dont want to be gone forever.

Please someone help, I am going bonkers here!!!

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Lonf syory short, I submitted a complaint about the abuse of the webTV news feed that was gating into the SpamCop.net newsgroups ..several MSN/Microsoft contact addresses turned out to be closed/bogus ... as the anger was rusing, I resubmitted the complaints to yet more Microsoft addresses, prepending some of the additional complaint material about bad address in the WHOIS records, Contact Us pages, etc., etc., etc. .... end result was (assume robot, but it could have been a complete idiot) the closing of my HotMail account, (opened something like within 3 weeks after HotMail appeared, much prior to Microsoft's involvement) due to spamming .... I gave up after a couple of hundred e-mails ....

On the other hand, Miss Betsy offered up a success story on getting an account (her daughter's I think) reopened after only an e-mail or two ....

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Lonf syory short, I submitted a complaint about the abuse of the webTV news feed that was gating into the SpamCop.net newsgroups ..several MSN/Microsoft contact addresses turned out to be closed/bogus ... as the anger was rusing, I resubmitted the complaints to yet more Microsoft addresses, prepending some of the additional complaint material about bad address in the WHOIS records, Contact Us pages, etc., etc., etc. .... end result was (assume robot, but it could have been a complete idiot) the closing of my HotMail account, (opened something like within 3 weeks after HotMail appeared, much prior to Microsoft's involvement) due to spamming .... I gave up after a couple of hundred e-mails ....

On the other hand, Miss Betsy offered up a success story on getting an account (her daughter's I think) reopened after only an e-mail or two ....

After only an e-mail or two? Well they closed my account yesterday I sent them a couple of e-mails today and no response? What is the success rate?

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It wasn't a couple of emails - it was a series of emails and IIRC not just to the abuse address. IIRC, you can reply to the autoack. I kept repeating the same explanation over and over with minor variations. And, in my case, there was no violation of the rules (or even alleged violation as in Wazoo's case). It takes a number of emails to get someone who actually reads it. Even then, they don't always read them carefully.

If the TOS was violated, I don't know whether you will have any success. Large corporations go by the rules and don't make exceptions. There is no harm in trying.

Next time copy the emails that you want to keep.

Miss Betsy

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Yeah they are basically telling me the TOU were broken and no matter what my e-mail says they send the same response over and over .... if worse comes to worse I wonder if someone could hack into it so I could get all my stuff out....

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