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Keep Getting The Same spam

Too Many Spams

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2 hours ago, Too Many Spams said:

Was wondering if anyone knows how to stop this junk spam:
I get over 20+ emails from this spammer. Each time I report with SpamCop, it goes to report_spam@hotmail.com, abuse#amazonaws.com@devnull.spamcop.net, and malware#mnemo.com@devnull.spamcop.net.

Doubt if Hotmail get the SpamCop report?
You need to send a SpamCop tracking link for better advice!
You need to find the registrar of the Website, SpamCop only reports the IP address of the Website.
Also with porn sites they by law need to have those lude photo a government Age ID. Most if not all spammers do not have this!
I always report this as child porn spam with this "Boiler plate". If you are a pediatrician you would be listened to
I also forward as attachment to the FED's 

Child porn spammer 
pictures under 18 or made to look under 18
NO PROOF OF AGE available! 

2257 Regulations (C.F.R. Part 75), part of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, require producers of sexually explicit material to obtain proof of age for every model they shoot, and retain those records. Federal inspectors may at any time launch inspections of these records and prosecute any infraction.
"unless the websites “perform reasonable age verification methods” — in short, requiring users to show government ID to prove they are 18 or older."

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1 hour ago, Too Many Spams said:

Thank you for the tip. Unfortunately, it seems like Microsoft just don't care. The spams just keep coming.

There is also the registrar of Website that needs reporting to (SpamCop only reports the websites IP which unless criminal show no interest)
Ro find the registrar I use this free windows program https://www.gena01.com/win32whois/ 

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On 2/8/2024 at 11:57 AM, Too Many Spams said:

Thank you for the tip. Unfortunately, it seems like Microsoft just don't care. The spams just keep coming.

Still waiting for a post of the link to the latest SC reports. A copy of the email does not include the coded message and processing by the app for a report. Each message may look the same but it is blocked if different IP website links and sender address. MS has an awesome tech team working hard on these breaches and just today I received spam with a change in technique to get around efforts to block spam on outlook and reported it quick smart to stop the use of the new address format. Standby.

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What appears to be the same spam from the same IP range over the last couple of weeks has changes made to the sender address format for the 3rd time. This is due to the firstname.lastnamennnn that was used for a long time is blocked on outlook at a higher level at last...I was reaching my limit on blocked addresses. They probably using AI but it doesn't really exist - just another acronym used by clever coders to describe the advancements in the development of automation, just ones and zeros. Standby.

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You know you are irritating a spammer if they are trying to retaliate. The only real way to make a spammer think your account is dead is to reject the email at the border server. You might be able to accomplish this by "blocking" the user and sending it to the spam folder, but most of the spammers will just try a different address to get past your filters.

Since Gmail and Microsoft don't let me control the border server, I setup my own email server and use SpamAssassin to filter out the spammers. A few fine tuned rules and it blocks the spammer. In watching the rejections, I noticed that some spammers retry more often when it rejects.
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3 hours ago, Too Many Spams said:

Ugh, open Gmail this morning and received more than 35+ spam from the same spammer. I honestly don't know how Google, Namecheap,Microsoft, et.al. condone these. Is there a way to temporarily deactivate my Gmail, so these spammers will think my account is dead?

Sending a SpamCop track URL would give one a better clue.
if you know the Registrar is Namecheap means you know row to Whois look up a Registrar, which is good 
Also in Gmail once opening Gmail spam, Top Right hand side of spam, click the three vertical dots, then click "Report phishing" 

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On 2/21/2024 at 6:32 PM, petzl said:

Sending a SpamCop track URL would give one a better clue.
if you know the Registrar is Namecheap means you know row to Whois look up a Registrar, which is good 
Also in Gmail once opening Gmail spam, Top Right hand side of spam, click the three vertical dots, then click "Report phishing" 

Thank you for replying. Here's one of the many SpamCop links: https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6888219156z7fa83fb0e9e999196d33bbac7bfc6e78z

Yesterday, I received more than 30 emails from the same spammer! It's really getting out of hand. Microsoft, Namecheap, and Cloudflare have done nothing to stop it. The links within the spam emails keep changing. I pretend to unsubscribe and it all redirects to netkeib.com.


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20 hours ago, Too Many Spams said:

Thank you for replying. Here's one of the many SpamCop links: https://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z6888219156z7fa83fb0e9e999196d33bbac7bfc6e78z

Yesterday, I received more than 30 emails from the same spammer! It's really getting out of hand. Microsoft, Namecheap, and Cloudflare have done nothing to stop it. The links within the spam emails keep changing. I pretend to unsubscribe and it all redirects to netkeib.com.


Microsoft email accounts are used by spammers as free throwaway email accounts they renew after each spam run
You need to concentrate on the web site SpamCop only reports to the IP address which will do nothing unless engaged in illegal activity

The web site here is a porn phishing site don't matter it they look like 90 years old still report them as a child porn if the don't show they are over 18 years of age! Unless you are a pediatrician and want the spam to continue.

Name:        galfom.com
Domain:    galfom.com
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:  abuse[AT]namecheap[DOT]com
include email address of US FED's namecheap.com is registered as a American Domain (don't listen to their denial.
Pooh-Poohing it's not child porn, that's up to the FED's to deicide if they are legal?) 

They will get your email address list washed by spammers. 
phishing-report[AT]us-cert[DOT]gov  makes them sweat
Include notes my boiler plate is - add this to Cloudfare reports also American registered.

Child porn phishing spammer
pictures under 18 or made to look under 18
NO PROOF OF AGE available!

2257 Regulations (C.F.R. Part 75), part of the United States Code of Federal Regulations, require producers of sexually explicit material to obtain proof of age for every model they shoot, and retain those records. Federal inspectors may at any time launch inspections of these records and prosecute any infraction.

"unless the websites “perform reasonable age verification methods” — in short, requiring users to show government ID to prove they are 18 or older."

No working unsubscribe



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