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Reporting from a Mac


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I use thunderbird on mac too. Not for regular email, just for my spam. (mail.app uses a separate account as a junk mailbox, thunderbird checks that). I use the forwarding technique because you don't have to do anything, like viewing full headers or viewing raw source. Just click forward and thunderbird sends everything. But most importantly, when I wake up in the morning and have 70 spams, I can select all and forward them all at once. Then I can do something else, and when the auto responder comes in, then I can click on one and go through as fast as the web site will allow, submitting spam. Its too bad they can't find a way to remove some of these steps. I've been getting so much spam lately, that it probably won't be long before I simply don't have time to report all of my spam, and I'll have to start deleting some of it.

Moderator Edit: Extracted from the How to Use .. SpamCop Reportig Forum ... the Topic called Keyboard Shortcuts for Macnoting the total lack of any "how I use the keyboard" text included .. moved to the Reporting Help Forum section in order to address the other issues brought up ....

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Posted into the SpamCop Discussion > Discussions & Observations > How to use .... > SpamCop Reporting forum section, described/defined as How to Instructions Only - Problems and issues belong in the other specific Forum sections ..... I don't agree that this was written up as a "How to ..."

The Topic chosen was a How to ... bit of instruction on keyboard shortcuts ... not sure I see the association.

On the other hand, if you were to write up your step-by-step instructions on how to forward multiple spams from your Mac using Thunderbird and Apple-Mail, that'd be wonderful. (or has someone already done that one?)

Its too bad they can't find a way to remove some of these steps.

One possibility, try the What is Quick-Reporting in the SpamCop FAQ here or the SpamCopWiki ....

I simply don't have time to report all of my spam, and I'll have to start deleting some of it.

This comes up all the time, has been responded to every time .... no one os forcing you to do any reporting, although noting that the more reported, the more impact it will have.

The general suggestion is to focus on something, say the last 10 received, the porn type, the stock-tips, whatever .. report all those, delete the rest ... by reporting at least some of them, the SpamCopDNSBL continues to be fed, you have done something .... deleting the rest does solve the time-shortage issue ...

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