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I've had it :-( ... goodbye


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For years and years I am a loyal fan of Spamcop. I report every day...

The last couple of months it is only trouble and trouble with the Spamcop site:

:( - when I report spam it happens that the next day I receive the reports of Spamcop.. so what is the use of reporting and fighting spam (??) ;

:P - and when reporting ..... you can take a break, drink coffee, eat a meal because it takes ages connecting to the site;

:o - when the site is down well it is down (take a break, drink ...);

:D - so goodbye ... my patience is gone, I am tired of reading and reading again and again that there is work in progress and that things will work better in future

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For years and years I am a loyal fan of Spamcop. I report every day...
Thanks for your efforts Hanzie.
...- so goodbye ... my patience is gone, ...
I don't think that SC reporting performance can be characterized as chronically slow but certainly it's been that for some days - seems OK for me at the moment, also was OK last time before that I used the facilities, 12 hours ago or thereabouts. Everyone needs a break from time to time - maybe you could just take a break from the routine and check in from time to time, see how the performance is then, report just a few of the spam that particulary annoy you. It doesn't have to be "all or nothing", surely?
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I was having similar problems, with the attempts to connect to the reporting website taking long enough I could brew a pot of tea while waiting, but thanks to a reference in the Firefox Okopipi plugin, I did a little searching and discovered the SpamCop quick-report feature.

Don was an AMAZING help in getting it set up, and even guided me to fixing my account so that it refers to my current ISP, rather than the one I had 3 years ago when I created it, and now I'm using quick reporting. Much easier, much fewer headaches, and the only extra effort on my part is that I have to be absolutely certain before I send that report in that each message I'm reporting actually is spam that I want to report, rather than sending it in, reviewing it on the web page, and then deciding whether to report it or not.

I can't recommend the quick report feature highly enough. It solves the slow website problem and it's incredibly easy to set up, once I understood Don's suggestions. Besides, it's worth getting your mailhosts right even if you don't use the quick report system.

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the only extra effort on my part is that I have to be absolutely certain before I send that report in that each message I'm reporting actually is spam that I want to report, rather than sending it in, reviewing it on the web page, and then deciding whether to report it or not.


...There something else about which you have to be careful but happens so rarely that it is very easy to overlook -- please see my second reply in SpamCop Forum thread "FAQ Entry: What is Quick Reporting?"
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