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Mailhost Configuration

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I get the following message with every spam e-mail I report.

'Possible forgery. Supposed receiving system not associated with any of your mailhosts'

I know this has been discussed in the past and I have checked my mailhost settings and cannot see what I'm doing wrong, perhaps I'm not grasping this whole mailhost thing.

We get a lot of spam reported by other users to Cyber Top Cops, so it is sent to the victim, the victim reports it to Cyber Top Cops and Cyber Top Cops report the source of the e-mail to SpamCop. Is this perhaps the problem? Do I have to configure a mailhost for every e-mail service we receive our reports from. For instance if a victim sends e-mail from abc.com I must configure a mailhost for abc.com. Another victim reports spam from def.com, so I must configure a mailhost for def.com right?

Here is a tracking link for the last message I reported


I appreciate your help, thanks!

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I get the following message with every spam e-mail I report.

'Possible forgery. Supposed receiving system not associated with any of your mailhosts'

1. You are only allowed to report spam that YOU receive. You are not supposed to be reporting spam others have received. That is the same reason you are not allowed to report the spam contained within some bounce messages, it was not delivered to you.

2. Taking 1. out of the mix, you would need a mailhost of every path your customers legitimately receive email through. In the example you gave, you would need a mailhost for yahoo, the receiving system:

0: Received: from (EHLO geology-hwnsncntdyz.happywordabout.info) ( by mta444.mail.mud.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sat, 06 Jan 2007 03:44:00 -0800

If they had a system to forward from another system into yahoo, you would also need that mailhost. You would need to have your customers configure a mailhost entry for every one of their paths under your account. I can';t see the deputies being all that thrilled with that situation. You should contact them directly at deputies[at]admin.spamcop.net. Perhaps that can giive you an alternative.

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It makes more sense to me now and thank you for explaining the system to me, it seems like I misinterpreted the spamcop service completely. Thanks for pointing me into the right direction, it was never my intention to misuse the spamcop service, sorry for that :blush: , but thankfully I know better now.

Thanks for your help Steven.

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same message in parsing results. But, as for me, I do not use Yahoo mail at all.

A guess, somebody used WEB interface of Yahoo mail to send me this spam (report id 2215465344). But SpamCop used web59209.mail.re1.yahoo.com as spam source. Is it right?

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  • 5 weeks later...
I have the same message in parsing results. But, as for me, I do not use Yahoo mail at all.

A guess, somebody used WEB interface of Yahoo mail to send me this spam (report id 2215465344). But SpamCop used web59209.mail.re1.yahoo.com as spam source. Is it right?

Hi, kiav,

...It appears to me that that SpamCop is issuing that message to tell you the point at which it appears the spam originated. It is consistent with what I see in its parses of the spam I report.

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