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Megamail servers


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Hi All,

Most of my spam seems to be originating (or sent) through megamailservers.com addressed like 'mail882.megamailservers.com'. The mail server seems to hijack users to resend the spam by using the hijacked service to address the mail. This is the only common domain for all my spam. I have tried blocking the domain, but in Outlook 2003 I must be more specific and enter a user name.

Does anyone know how I can get off the megamail servers lists or block content from them?



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Most of my spam seems to be originating (or sent) through megamailservers.com addressed like 'mail882.megamailservers.com'. The mail server seems to hijack users to resend the spam by using the hijacked service to address the mail. This is the only common domain for all my spam. I have tried blocking the domain, but in Outlook 2003 I must be more specific and enter a user name.

Does anyone know how I can get off the megamail servers lists or block content from them?


Make sure you are getting all headers from Outlook

If you can supply a link from the SpamCop reporting page :-

When you have SpamCop parse a spam message SpamCop leaves a reporting URL at top of page, copy this and paste it here 'mail882.megamailservers.com' has not been reported as a source of spam?

Please go through my signature

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I have tried blocking the domain, but in Outlook 2003 I must be more specific and enter a user name.


Hi, Brad!

...You mean that your Outlook Admin disabled the use of "with specific words in the message header" in your Outlook rules or did you not know of that feature (although, truth be told, I don't know if that will look at the header line that identifies your spam as coming from megamailservers.com)?

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