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Yet another "I e-mail myself"


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Brought here from a PM;

Hi Wazoo....

I'll get to the point quick...

I'll be glad to pay $30.00 bucks if you can help me stop a jerk from sending spam to myself...from myself...

I hit reply and it comes right back to me....

I see my email address all over the header..

I cannot even block my hotmail account from myself...

I have deleted my safelist...and contacts..

Everything goes to junk except the spam..right to me from me...


I have a business and don't want to change my email addy with clients.

Just tell me what to do


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Sure, I'll take your $30 ... but I'll fuess you probably meant that for something to do with SpamCop.net ....

The forging of the "From:" line is ages old at this point. Why you say you can't "block" this e-mail I'm not sure about, though noting that continuinf to add the various "From:" addresses to your personal block-list is generally a waste of time. Spammers don't use their e-mail addresses, and samples of spam sent by broken / improperly configured spam-tools shows that the general tendency these days is to ise a random-word/name generator to fill in those blanks in the outgoing spew.

Your scenario is basically touched on by the "Why am I getting all these bounces?" SpamCop FAQ here. It has been discussed over and over and over in many previous postings, Topics, and Discussions.

The $30 mentioned would assumedly be for a SpamCop.net e-mail account, which uses a nunber of various tools and settings to filter the bad e-mail from the good stuff. All this is also addressed in the SpamCop FAQ and the Wiki .. both found via links at the top of his very page. Note also the How I Use .... entries, also found in both resources.

PM Reply sent to point that user to "here" ...

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