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Mailhost name: Localhost only???

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Maybe I am being stupid (can't find a reason anywhere), but can someone please explain why I am getting all of these localhosts/Domains which I know nothing about nor do the relaying IPs mean anything to me. Are these hosts/domains from picked up from spam that I have reported?

I have two other mailhosts on the page Eclipse and Gmail (which I set up)

Below is the Localhost only Mailhost section (** to hide email address)

Thank you in advance.


Mailhost name: Localhost only

Email address: **[at]**.eclipse.co.uk

Hosts/Domains: -gaston










Relaying IPs: -




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... can someone please explain why I am getting all of these localhosts/Domains which I know nothing about nor do the relaying IPs mean anything to me. Are these hosts/domains from picked up from spam that I have reported?...
Have a look at FAQ Entry: MailHost Configuration problems, maybe have a glance at A little confused... which covers some area about multitudinous and "unexpected" hostnames, come back with any further queries.
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