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Getting Email Userids Restored


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"e-mail user IDs" ....???? Are you actually talking e-mail accounts (which implies that this should have been posted into the SpamCop E-Mail System & Accounts or are you talking about Reporting accounts (which would imply that this should have been posted into the SpamCop Reporting Help Forum section.

As stated in SpamCop Reporting Accounts, it is possible to continue to have a SpamCop.net e-mail account but lose the Reporting privileges associated with that e-mail account.

If Don suspended your Reporting activites, he normally sends an e-mail advising og that action and why it happened. In all honesty, this is the first time that an accusation of JT taking such action on an e-mail account, never mind multiple accounts, has appeared within this Forum.

I sent an e-mail upstrean to both sides of the house, but you didn't offer a lot of data to work with, like identifying 'you' and/or the accounts in question. Whether the data you used to Register here ties into anything they can reference is unknown to me.

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The suspended/cancelled userids can't be used to send or receive email. Email sent to them bounces. If you try to logon to webmail, the attempt is unsucessful. My SpamCop Email is rjrobison[at]spamcop.net I will be glad to send complete info to anyone that can help. I have tried every way that I can find. No one has responded.

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The suspended/cancelled userids can't be used to send or receive email. Email sent to them bounces. If you try to logon to webmail, the attempt is unsucessful.

It sounds to me like you have a couple of accounts that have expired for lack of renewal.

You can renew them at this page:


- Don D'Minion - SpamCop Admin -

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