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Is my spam being reported


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I have been using the service for a while now, but every time I hit send reports I am presented with this message :

/dev/null'ing report for mole[at]devnull.spamcop.net

Does this mean it is being reported? It is not clear!


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Please see http://www.spamcop.net/fom-serve/cache/373.html for your choice on being a "mole" reporter.

if it's the /dev/null that's bothering you ... *NIX language to send file output to the NULL Device, loosely translated as "the bit-bucket" which also goes back to the days of punching code into long strips of paper via a Teletype Keyboard, the "bucket" catching the little bits of paper punched out (chad) ... so tie that to the "mole status" in that reports go no-where .... ????

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