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Is Spamcop right for me?

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I'm a moderator for a LISTSERV list currently getting over 300 spam per day. I used to run my own linux box with Spamassassin to filter the list messages, but haven't set it back up since moving. I've been trying to use Gmail, and adding many keywords to the custom filter, but with that, and the regular Gmail filters, I still get over 100 unfiltered spam a day to sort through. Filtering, or whitelisting, on the From line is useless since all of it is coming from the host's LISTSERV server.

Is caught spam on the Spamcop server used for either the SA filters, or the Spamcop block list? My concern is that if hundreds of spam a day sent to me from our Washington U server end up in the Spamcop database then our server domain will end up on the blacklist, which did happen several times when I was trying to report spam caught on my linux box, which ended up getting me banned from Spamcop reporting, and in hot water with WU. If this is even a remote possibility I can't use Spamcop. Am I right that spam caught by Spamcop is used by Spamcop? If so, is there a way to keep the WU server out of trouble, or is there another service where I could keep my filtered spam to myself?


Mike Holloway

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Am I right that spam caught by Spamcop is used by Spamcop? If so, is there a way to keep the WU server out of trouble, or is there another service where I could keep my filtered spam to myself?


Mike Holloway

No spam caught by SpamCop Email is repported.It is just trapped in a "held" folder and will self delete as it reaches two weeks old. spam in this folder does not get reported without you OK'ing it

You have an option to report less than two day old spam in your held folder.

In doing so you must make sure it is spam and have your spamcop "mailhosts" set up correctly

All spam is put towards a count as to whether it ends up on the SCBL

spam on the SCBL adds a score of 1.6 to spamassasin count

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...My concern is that if hundreds of spam a day sent to me from our Washington U server end up in the Spamcop database then our server domain will end up on the blacklist, ...
Only IP addresses go on the blacklist Mike, domains are more or less what are used in setting up your mailhosts which, as petzl has said, must be set up correctly because that is your protection against (mis)reporting your provider IPs and legitimate handoffs within your inwards mail system. You can trial a sample of your prospective submissions through a free reporting account (with the verbose parse options selected) and thus have full review and control over report submission for evaluation before taking the plunge. Users here and/or SpamCop Admin could help you sort out any complexities along the way - no need for risk.
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