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webpage reporting issues?


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I have reported about 44 message

To make sure I understand did you cut & past the spam into the spamcop web page or did you email the spam to spamcop using your Submit.xxxxxx[at]spam.spamcop.net?

If you are using Submit and not getting your return email form Spamcop there are two possibilities: Could be that your ISP/mail app, firewall is blocking your outgoing email because it "contains spam" DAH. Or The email from SpamCop is being blocked.

You can tell which may be happening by logging onto Spamcop.net After sending a Submit, if you don't get a return email, log on and see if there is a "Report Now"

I had this trouble for a while with my ISP. Someone added a new filter and about half of my Submit emails would get blocked. Took about 3 days to find the right guy to check the right log to run down the new filter added one night.

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