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URL will not parse


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The URL in a spam I received, http : // upeydxwhkft.blogspot.com (I suspect it is a malware infection site), will not parse despite multiple reloads on reporting.

Thanks for the tracking link. I munged the URL above, perhaps you or someone with the necessary privileges could do the same for the original post so that it doesn't cause problems for anyone.

Generally, SC doesn't bother to trace down URLs in Google space (including Blogspot). The reason, I'd guess, is that Google doesn't accept these reports. You can report these yourself very easily via a Google web link, as described in this SpamCop forum post. According to my check it is still active, so reporting it would be an excellent idea.

-- rick

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...Generally, SC doesn't bother to trace down URLs in Google space (including Blogspot). The reason, I'd guess, is that Google doesn't accept these reports. You can report these yourself very easily via a Google web link, as described in this SpamCop forum post. According to my check it is still active, so reporting it would be an excellent idea.
Yes, that's the way, better than resolving the abuse address (which *will* resolve in isolation, FWIW - not much - as demonstrated here)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, that's the way, better than resolving the abuse address (which *will* resolve in isolation, FWIW - not much - as demonstrated here)

blogger.com is a huge blog site, and spammers have discovered it as a way to not display their actual URLs in an email. Setting up a blog page is not a whole lot harder than opening a hotmail account.

The way these work is that the spammer sets up a blog, and has the blog page instantly redirect to the spam URL. It happens so fast you often don't even see the step in-between. This is so common that it seems that blogger could save themselves a lot of grief by automatically checking for these kinds of redirects and deactivating those pages. I've gotten a lot of this kind of spam (I guess I'm on the right mailing lists).

Try using this URL to report the spammy blog page directly to blogger/blogspot - this violates their terms of service and they do review these and take them down, and this will break the link and prevent anyone from getting to the spam site:


It's a little form that only asks for the spammy blog URL.

You can also click the link in the email and let yourself get redirected to the actual site, copy that URL and use SpamCop to find who to report that site to, then report it on your own.

SpamCop is more focused on the spam itself and its sources, not on the websites that benefit from the spam, so I can see why it doesn't follow these kinds of links to their ultimate destination.

Take care,

- Paul

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