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Spamcop account spam

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I am using my account for filtering email from other accounts. I do not give, use, or post with my spamcop.net account address ... I stopped reporting spam to unchecked boxes when I started receiving spam to my spamcop.net address.

Now, the only things that are showing up at my spamcop.net address are spam.

Is there some way to automatically report all email coming directly to my spamcop.net address as spam? (I'll be happy to whitelist spamcop admins and accountants.) Fully report, since filing a report against Comcast is as effective as wishing that spam would stop.

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Is there some way to automatically report all email coming directly to my spamcop.net address as spam

Not "legally" .... Part of the agreement you made when siging up to use the SpamCop tool-set was that you would do your part in making sure that only allowable items would be reported, and that you would additionally do your part in making sure that reports went to the correct targets.

There have been some creative folks that did in fact write up some super-uber scripts that handled things "automatically" . and some even "got away" with it for a while. Then one day, something happened. In one case, APNIC was having a bad day, so SpamCop look-ups were timing out, causing some major issues in the parse / report output ... but these "automatic" scripts just blindly went on doing their thing. The next thing heard from that user was the little complaint that his ISP had terminated his account after receiving over 200 SpamCop reports .. due to this user's scri_pt busily reporting his own server .... and of course, he was also upset for some reason after hearing that his SpamCop account had been revoked, based on the obvious complaints from his ISP about the "crap" reports ...

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