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(new?) spammer trick

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Recently I've been getting a lot of spams that have URLs which the spammers have managed to hide from the spamcop parser via injecting a lot of FONT tags within the URL. Check http://www.spamcop.net/sc?id=z1952790933z5...2f09bd2aef7e0ez for an example of this. Hopefully it would be an easy fix to modify the parser to ignore FONT tags while doing a text search for URLs.

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Recently I've been getting a lot of spams that have URLs which the spammers have managed to hide from the spamcop parser via injecting a lot of FONT tags within the URL.

Looking at it from a whole different perspective ... what e-mail client might you be using that displays the spamvertised URL as a clickable link? Please find and use a different tool to handle your e-mail.

Hopefully it would be an easy fix to modify the parser to ignore FONT tags while doing a text search for URLs.

Not an easy fix at all .... Header description line says: Content-Type: text/html;

<FONT face=Arial size=2>http:/</FONT><FONT face=Arial size=2>/www</FONT><FONT face=Arial size=2>.</FONT><FONT face=Arial size=2>edu</FONT> .. etc. is neither, as far as a URL construct goes.

It's pretty hard these days to work up sympathy for a user that would be willing to open up this spam, read this spam, and then take the extra effort needed to copy the displayed crap that won't "click" and paste that into a browser .. one could hope that if they are unintelligent enought to want to follow the unusable link, they are also ignorant enough not to know how to work around the 'unclickable' problem ...????

Standard suggestion here .. there is nothing stopping you from generating and sending your own manually derived complaint.

In reference to your apparent question about this being "new" .... nope .... been around for years, but as you (hopefully) noticed, it doesn't provide a clickable link, so therefore it wouldn't bring in much traffic, which is why you don't see it all that often.

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