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Using "+" in address field, not working?

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I seem to recall being able to create variations of my email address by using a "+" symbol in the address field, e.g. djporter+test[at]cesmail.net. Mail sent to that address was correctly routed to the underlying address of djporter[at]cesmail.net, the "+" and anything after it was ignored.

I just tried to use this feature and it doesn't seem to work. The mail doesn't arrive and there is no bounce message from my smtp server. Anyone know what's going on here? Thanks.

UPDATE: The test message did arrive, but delayed by 45 minutes compared to another message(non +) sent at the same time.

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I seem to recall being able to create variations of my email address by using a "+" symbol in the address field, e.g. djporter+test[at]cesmail.net. Mail sent to that address was correctly routed to the underlying address of djporter[at]cesmail.net, the "+" and anything after it was ignored.

I just tried to use this feature and it doesn't seem to work. The mail doesn't arrive and there is no bounce message from my smtp server. Anyone know what's going on here? Thanks.

UPDATE: The test message did arrive, but delayed by 45 minutes compared to another message(non +) sent at the same time.

I use the feature all the time. I will test right now and report results when I get home (later this evening) as to how long each took.

I use the feature all the time. I will test right now and report results when I get home (later this evening) as to how long each took.

Without +:

Received: from unknown (

by blade4.cesmail.net with QMQP; 3 Jun 2008 20:27:25 -0000

Received: from mail.sbsbmail.com (HELO CENTMAIL.carroll-ent.com) (

by mx71.cesmail.net with SMTP; 3 Jun 2008 20:27:24 -0000

Subject: Test1

Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 16:27:18 -0400

And there does seem to be a delay in the plussed addressed emails. Sending a message upstream in 2 seconds.

Received: from unknown (

by blade6.cesmail.net with QMQP; 3 Jun 2008 21:00:00 -0000

Received: from mail.sbsbmail.com (HELO CENTMAIL.carroll-ent.com) (

by mx71.cesmail.net with SMTP; 3 Jun 2008 21:00:00 -0000

Subject: Test2

Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 16:27:37 -0400

About a 30 minute delay simply by adding the plus address

Of course this shows the message was delayed being delivered... I will check the logs at work tomorrow (or later tonight if I get a chance) to see what was happening.

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This looks like a greylisting bug. Do you both have greylisting enabled? The plus-address extension isn't being removed before adding entries to the greylist. Now that one message has come through can you send a message (from the same server) to the same address and get it immediately?

We'll try to get this fixed soon. Thanks for reporting it!


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