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About turetzsr

  • Birthday 11/18/1953

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    Michigan USA

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  1. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp No guarantee but chances are better if you would post this to the SpamCop Reporting Help → Routing / Report Address Issues Forum. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp That would depend on the District Attorney/ Attorney General. For some ideas, you could peruse the results at URL http://www.goodsearch.com/search-web?utf8=✓&keywords=%2B(complain+OR+complaint)+%2B("attorney+general"+OR+"district+attorney"). For the US Attorney General, you could check the Department of Justice web site. However, my guess is that unless someone has lost a lot of money or a state or federal agency has been victimized, District Attorneys and Attorneys General are unlikely to do much with your complaint.
  2. Ultra-simple catsup recipe "for guys:" Ingredients: 1 cup tomato paste vinegar, to taste salt, to taste finely ground white pepper, to taste Preparation: Combine all ingredients Add desired amount to food Eat Refrigerate unused product.
  3. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Here's one: Ingredients: Water Spaghetti Preparation: Pour water into a pot that will hold at least twice as much water as needed to completely submerge the spaghetti. Bring water to a rapid boil. Add spaghetti. Return to boil. Cook for another eight minutes or until it has reached desired level of softness (taste some to test it). Turn off heat. Drain spaghetti as thoroughly as possible. Add seasoning and spices to taste. Spaghetti sauce, either store-bought or homemade, onion (white, green, sweet, powdered), garlic powder, cheese are popular options. <g>
  4. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Well, it wasn't really necessary -- you could have used the Forum search feaature or Google without joining the Forum but it was almost certainly easier to join and post the question that it would have been to find the contact address with a search! <g> I'm glad it worked out -- thanks for taking the time to let us know!
  5. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp As far as I know, this is the first notable technological advance in spam dissemination in a very long time!
  6. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Thanks, Slickone, I didn't know that there were such settings! I assume that you are referring to Yahoo!Mail's Settings | "Mail Version" choices " Full featured (recommended) - View photo slideshows, drag and drop attachments, personalize your theme, and more." and " Basic." It turns out that I have the "Full featured" setting but neither Ctrl Forward nor Ctrl-Alt-F work for me. The former results in the spam appearing inline and the latter results in no action at all. <frown>
  7. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Thanks, Goofy, that is most interesting; I had assumed that the differences were due to the different "flavors" of Yahoo!Mail (I had noticed a different web mail "look & feel" between my yahoo.com e-mail account and my att.net e-mail account [att.net web mail is delivered by Yahoo]).
  8. turetzsr

    Just checking

    &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Oh, no, as an econ major I had to know a lot more than that! <g> But, yes, for most of us it is pretty much all that is needed; too bad so few know of it or, if they know, accept it. <frown>!
  9. turetzsr

    Just checking

    &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp If I remember correctly (and it's been a very long time, so there's a very good chance that I don't! <g>), TANSTAAFL is what Heinlein used; too bad it doesn't work! <frown>
  10. turetzsr

    Just checking

    &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp Well, that's PFK (yes, I just invented that one -- I think! <g>)!
  11. &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp moreofless: if you'd really prefer a thread on this subject that doesn't have the "Resolved" flag set, you could use Topic "can't forward as attachment in yahoo."
  12. turetzsr

    Just checking

    &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp ...*applause* <g>
  13. Test

    1. turetzsr


      Keeping this as a template for slapping members who post spammy content: ...Member's warning level raised and "spammer" flag set. I sent the member the following message:

      ...Your post in Topic 'converting a t.co (or other "short" URL' appears to me to be spammy. I have hidden the post and removed your posting privileges. Please send me a PM if you wish to appeal this action (assuming you are allowed to do that).
    2. turetzsr


      Hoobesamese spam: post 90430

  14. johnsenchak's and unclewoody's posts approved for public viewing. For more information, please see my latest post in Topic "Alternatives to Spamcop."
  15. Hi, freewheeling, &nbsp &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp If I'm reading correctly, it's not just you! Please see the following other Topics (which should probably be merged): System Migration HELP, no field for entering a forwarding address!!! Forwards not working Changing forwarding address after today?
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