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Hi All,

Firstly please forgive me if the answer to this question is in the FAQ's i had a look and couldn't see anything but as I am not technical in the slightest I may have missed something.

When I go to send an email I get this:

451 Blocked - see http://www.spamcop.net/bl.shtml?

But when I check the IP it just says that I am blocked and doesn't give any reason. I can't make head nor tail of any of the other links.

My ISP says that it because we use BT and don't have a static IP address, I have tried resetting router but doesn't seem to change the address. My ISP says the only way to stop this is really to get a static IP.

Is this right? I wonder if one of you would be so kind as to lookup the IP as in the title and let me know what the score is?

Thanks in advance


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You are not currently blocked according to that same link....Spamcop is a very dynamic list, attempting to block only while a spam run is in progress. Certain of the mirrors may take a while to update, however.

Spamcop does NOT list due to dynamic IP's, but many administrators will not accept email from them, especially due to the proliferation of zombied end user machines spewing spam all over the place. Sometimes the error message returned falsely blames spamcop (or one of the other BL's).

The following spam reports about that IP address went to: spamcop<at>imaphost.com


Does this traffic (Subject: IT Training) come from you?

Report History:


Submitted: Monday, August 08, 2005 11:25:45 AM -0400:

IT Training


Submitted: Monday, August 08, 2005 11:13:42 AM -0400:

***spam*** IT Training


Submitted: Thursday, August 04, 2005 5:05:53 AM -0400:

IT Training


Submitted: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 12:38:57 PM -0400:

IT Training


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My ISP says that it because we use BT and don't have a static IP address... My ISP says the only way to stop this is really to get a static IP.


Sounds to me like they're trying to hide their inability to secure their network by selling you a more expensive product. This is assuming you were actually blocked because of a SpamCop listing, and it wasn't misreported to you. there are lists that block mail from all dynamic IP ranges. (such as dynablock.njabl.org).

Spamcop would only list that IP address if spam was generated by a computer at that address (and subsequently reported by a SpamCop user). The messages listed by StevenUnderwood are the ones reported.

Do you share this IP address with anyone else? Is it the IP for your mailserver, or is it a shared mailserver?

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Share on other sites appears to be a NATting Internet Gateway Router, as Andy's Topic was posted from that same IP Address. That Router's logs, and the logs of any mailservers behind it, should be checked for the source of those "IT Training" emails. SpamCop Reports concerning would currently be sent to spamcop.reports[at]btinternet.com.

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